Trips to fairly unknown regions should be made twice; once to make mistakes and once to correct them.

If I made a mistake in terms of running for president, the mistake was not in refusing to run in '91.

My biggest mistake was my best lesson... you don't learn anything when everything is going perfectly.

I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries.

Every great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied.

The worst thing about movie-making is that it's like life: nobody can go back to correct the mistakes.

Mistakes are part of the game. It's how well you recover from them, that's the mark of a great player.

Our first mistake is the belief that the circumstance gives the joy which we give to the circumstance.

You come to God not by being strong, but by being weak; not by being right, but through your mistakes.

No more excuses. I can't blame anything on my parents. I'm responsible for my mistakes and my choices.

Don't make the mistake of bringing your heart down here with you, there is no place for it in Furnace.

If you don't manufacture a quality product all you've got at the end is a bunch of expensive mistakes.

Once a female, always a female. Nature is not always infallible but she always abides by her mistakes.

How would you like a job where when you made a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?

I know for certain that God does not make mistakes, but he does make miracles. I am one. You are, too.

Oh, why will parents always appear at the wrong time? Some extraordinary mistake in nature, I suppose.

It is the folly of too many to mistake the echo of a London coffee-house for the voice of the kingdom.

I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.

Wrestlers in the U.S.A. are very aggressive. All they want to do is attack, but they'll make mistakes.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.

as imperfect human beings, any of us, all of us, are subject at some time or another to make mistakes!

I open my eyes To my own mistake I see all around me Hands getting raized And Questions remain Silent.

The balance between confidence and humility is best learned through extensive experience and mistakes.

It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.

I made a mistake. That happens. It proves I'm human, which you know, for some people, is a revelation.

None of us are perfect, and we all make mistakes. But the American people are a very forgiving people.

Turning someone away who wants to come near you, just because of your pride is also a form of mistake.

Know when to tune out, if you listen to too much advice you may wind up making other peoples mistakes.

Sometimes my mistakes turn into interesting music because I do things that aren't supposed to be done.

It isn't making mistakes that's critical; it's correcting them and getting on with the principal task.

I often make the mistake of thinking that something that is obvious to me is obvious to everyone else.

After about 30 minutes I puked all over my airplane. I said to my self, "Man, you made a big mistake."

What unleashes action is an individual's willingness to make mistakes - even to look foolish or stupid.

A string of successes can kill you if they make you think, 'Hey, I'm smart; I can't make any mistakes'.

Our forefathers made one mistake. What they should have fought for was representation without taxation.

Like everyone else who makes the mistake of getting older, I begin each day with coffee and obituaries.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Make your own victories. Make your own mistakes.

Mistakes are life. Mistakes are not to be tolerated...they are to be encouraged. The bigger the better.

Non-co-operators will make a serious mistake if they seek to convert people to their creed by violence.

A good friend who points out mistakes is to be respected, as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure.

People in a democracy should be satisfied with drawing the Government's attention to a mistake, if any.

It is frankly a mistake of amateurs to believe you can gain the upper hand in a diplomatic negotiation.

My mistake was in underestimating the emotional force of a song you have already hear a thousand times.

The biggest mistake sometimes is to play things very safe in this life and end up being moral failures.

Youth has a quickness of apprehension, which it is very apt to mistake for an acuteness of penetration.

She had an unequalled gift, especially pen in hand, of squeezing big mistakes into small opportunities.

Make clear that people understand what your circumstances are. And looking for pity - that's a mistake.

The most useful form of time travel would be to go back a year or two and rectify the mistakes we made.

We must not mistake kindness for weakness. Kindness isn't weak. Kindness is a certain type of strength.

Mistakes and failures are precisely your means of education. They tell you about your own inadequacies.

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