When you back off, it's easier to do mistakes. For me it's better to ski fast.

Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.

Buddhism notes that it is always a mistake to think your soul can go it alone.

Just live in the moment and not be afraid to try things out and make mistakes.

People who move to New York always the same mistake. They can't see the place.

A 'mistake' is beside the point, for once anything happens it authentically is.

I guess if you keep making the same mistake long enough, it becomes your style.

Nobody's perfect, but at the same time, I always try to learn from my mistakes.

Say to yourself: 'Living essentially to please others is a monumental mistake.'

Haste is never more dangerous than when you feel that victory is in your grasp.

I am naive. I make mistakes - But I don't give a rat's arse how I am perceived!

The biggest mistake a woman can make is not to be herself in public or private.

The only time a mistake becomes a failure is when we look for someone to blame.

Mistakes and dead-ends often mean more to these artists than any proven problem

When you make a mistake, throw your hands in the air and say "How fascinating!"

When you shake you ass, they notice fast. And some mistakes were built to last.

You made a big mistake by letting me come, because now I'm going after your job

In ART as in Life the Best Way to REMEDY mistakes is to take advantage of them.

Somebody can be the captain of the ship, which allows you to make big mistakes.

The team that makes the most mistakes usually wins, because doers make mistakes

Love is a matter of give and take -- marriage, a matter of misgive and mistake.

Tell everyone that your mistakes are art. You can get away with a lot that way.

Mistakes happen. But after a while you've got to stop making them happen twice.

Justice is justice though it's always delayed and finally done only by mistake.

There's no way that you can live an adequate life without making many mistakes.

Late to bed and late to wake will keep you long on money and short on mistakes.

If you're going to make a mistake, make it loud so everybody else sounds wrong.

It's okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are our teachers -- they help us to learn.

If you aren't making any mistakes, it's a sure sign you're playing it too safe.

As long as you have the courage to admit mistakes, things can be turned around.

The herd instinct among forecasters makes sheep look like independent thinkers.

A realist is a man who insists on making the same mistakes his grandfather did.

We make a great mistake in supposing all people are capable of self-government.

You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them.

I believe you make your own luck. My motto is 'It's always a mistake not to go.'

Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.

If the colored people made a mistake in voting for me, they ought to correct it.

Make no mistake about it: Law school is not a bastion of intellectual discourse.

Seems to me God made a big mistake when He failed to put handles on watermelons.

The one good thing about repeating your mistakes is that you know when to cringe

The longer you live, the more mistakes you make. And the more sorrows you carry.

Learn from other people's mistakes. Life is too short to make them all yourself.

I don't make mistakes. I make prophecies which immediately turn out to be wrong.

If you are born poor its not your mistake, But if you die poor its your mistake.

No mistakes can be make during rehearsals, only progress toward what works best.

We all make mistakes, as the hedgehog said as he climbed off the scrubbing brush

Errors flies from mouth to mouth, from pen to pen, and to destroy it takes ages.

Never think about the mistakes you made. Think about the mistakes you will make.

I'm never satisfied. I'm always trying to get better and learn from my mistakes.

More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them

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