I'm paying for a mistake I made

One mistake does not define you.

Never mistake motive for action.

Basketball's a game of mistakes.

I made a big mistake of my life.

We made too many wrong mistakes.

Never mistake motion for action.

Obscurity is the realm of error.

We all do make foolish mistakes.

Life would be dull without them.

Even a president makes mistakes.

I made my fair share of mistakes.

Misgive that you may not mistake.

If you make a mistake, celebrate.

I cannot afford to make mistakes.

Never mistake movement for action

Making mistakes is how you learn.

It's mistakes that get you killed

It is not a mistake to want power.

Mistakes are their own instructors

I dont want to repeat my mistakes.

Life is full of horrible mistakes.

A life without a dog is a mistake.

Make no mistake. Moving is living.

Never mistake motion for progress.

Never get too hung up on mistakes.

I don't know about style mistakes.

I think growth covers up mistakes.

Patriarchal Poetry makes mistakes.

Boys are boys, they make mistakes.

Wow. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.

By seeking and blundering we learn.

I don`t make mistakes. I bury them.

The Universe doesn't make mistakes.

Truth is immortal; error is mortal.

I am not scared of making mistakes.

Mistakes are doorways to discovery.

You make a mistake, you keep going.

Hustle makes up for many a mistake.

God has never made a mistake. Ever.

There is a glory in a great mistake.

Mistakes are joyful, truth infernal.

Survivors lived with their mistakes.

Don't mistake niceness for weakness.

There are no mistakes, only lessons.

Never mistake the power of influence

Don't mistake my tears for weakness.

My mistakes are no worse than yours.

Every decision you make is a mistake.

You mistake patience for forbearance.

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