Calling oneself a hero after making mistakes shouldn't earn public trust.

Admit your mistakes but don't cry over them. Correct them and go forward.

I've also learned that the biggest lessons came from my biggest mistakes.

There are no funny lawyers - only funny people who made a career mistake.

We all make mistakes, some bigger than others, but none of us is perfect.

Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.

Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for stars.

The 'Libertarian' thing was a mistake on my part for saying it, but I am.

Nobody notices your sorrow, your pain, but everyone notices your mistakes.

Change isn't always good. Sometimes changing things is a terrible mistake.

I've got to keep breathing. It'll be my worst business mistake if I don't.

It'd be a shame to stop now that I've started to make really good mistakes

The German mind has a talent for making no mistakes but the very greatest.

Nelson Mandela also spoke about how, as a human being, he's made mistakes.

It is the true nature of mankind to learn from mistakes, not from example.

The person who is incapable of making a mistake, is incapable of anything.

Once you make a mistake in a fight or competition you never do that again.

No one is more liable to make mistakes than he who acts only on reflexion.

Mixing one's wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably.

Those who never make mistakes lose a great many chances to learn something

There has to be room for people to make mistakes and lead their own lives.

It is as big a mistake to turn down a good shot as it is to take a bad one

Mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature, understand them thoroughly.

Ah, pray no mistake, We are not shy; We're very wide awake The Moon and I.

Aviation is the branch of engineering that is least forgiving of mistakes.

The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.

A blunder at the right moment is better than cleverness at the wrong time.

You don't win by making sensational plays; you win by not making mistakes.

One makes mistakes; that is life. But it is never a mistake to have loved.

The biggest problem in the world could have been solved when it was small.

You hope in this life that you grow and don't always repeat your mistakes.

The only one who doesn't make mistakes is the one who doesn't do anything.

Actually punching is a mistake; a heavy hitter will cut you with one shot.

A mistake in judgment isn't fatal, but too much anxiety about judgment is.

My mother used to pat me instead of slapping me whenever I made a mistake.

When we mistake words for reality, we are subject to the tyranny of words.

Someone's writing down your mistakes, someone's documenting your downfall.

We live and learn from our mistakes, the deepest cuts are healed by faith.

To many women mistake a man's hostility for wit and his silence for depth.

Believe in everything you do. Believe in your mistakes and grow from them.

I've learned so much from my mistakes... I'm thinking of making some more.

It is often easier to learn from the mistakes of others than from our own.

It's to be expected that you make mistakes when you're breaking new ground.

Jazz, isn't that just a series of mistakes diguised as musical composition?

To get anywhere, one must choose one's mistakes, I chose experimental acts.

The biggest mistake people make is to try to lose too much weight too fast.

How innocent we are of our mistakes and how we responsible we are for them.

When you're talking about death, you can't afford to make even one mistake.

I appreciate the mistakes I made in the past cause it is shaping my future.

Ever make mistakes in life? Let's make them birds. Yeah, they're birds now.

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