Live and learn from your mistakes, just get back up and keep fighting.

When there is pleasure, there is often abandon, and mistakes are made.

Made plenty of mistakes along the way - all of which I am truly sorry.

The mistake we make, is when we seek to be beloved, instead of loving.

Make no mistake; child predation on the Internet is a growing problem.

Don't think that I'm - I'd- I'm infallible. Will always make mistakes.

To improve, we must watch ourselves fail, and learn from our mistakes.

The freedom to make mistakes is the one and only bonus of getting old.

We all make mistakes, but intelligence enables us to do it on purpose.

Cats seldom make mistakes, and they never make the same mistake twice.

Your mistake does not define who you are your possibilities.

To fear what you do not understand is to mistake ignorance for safety.

If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.

Be honest about mistakes. Even if you are afraid of what people think.

Books, which we mistake for consolation, only add depth to our sorrow.

Never mistake law for justice. Justice is an ideal, and law is a tool.

It's human to make mistakes and some of us are more human than others.

I now consider the money I put into my pension to have been a mistake.

I was raised Catholic, and I can get incredibly guilty about mistakes.

You do what you can. You have to leave room to grow and make mistakes.

It is a mistake to let aesthetics drive your rational decision making.

You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes

Do not be afraid to make decisions, do not be afraid to make mistakes.

It is a mistake to assume that the law should always enforce morality.

If all else fails immortality can always be assured by adequate error.

It is not important NOT to make mistakes, but the mistakes to be small

Football is about making mistakes. Who makes the most, loses the game.

But slight mistakes accumulate, and grow to gross errors if unchecked.

I think making mistakes is as inevitable as receiving disappointments.

I have a theory that the only original things we ever do are mistakes.

Debt is a mistake between lender and borrower, and both should suffer.

One of the worst mistakes anybody can make is to bet against Americans.

There's nothing final about a mistake, except its being taken as final.

One of the things that defines our character is how we handle mistakes.

The one common experience of all humanity is the challenge of problems.

I know I'm probably much too late to try and apologize for my mistakes.

I constantly make fashion mistakes but I think it's good to take risks.

The perils of success at a young age is being afraid to make a mistake.

Love mistakes, as it’s us that receives blessings from them in the end.

A man's mistake should not reflect on how you view yourself as a woman.

We don`t charge people for making a mistake or doing something foolish.

The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake.

Army: A body of men assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats.

Your birth is a mistake you'll spend your whole life trying to correct.

Having touched Christ's feet is not an excuse for punctuation mistakes.

Any glamorous moment you might mistake me for having is always pretend.

Football is a game of mistakes. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.

I'm only twenty-five. If I've made a mistake I have time to correct it.

Mistakes can't be erased, but they move you from your present position.

I've been married nearly 34 years, I'm not perfect, I've made mistakes.

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