Life is about making mistakes. Death is about wishing you made more.

The greatest mistake is trying to be more agreeable than you can be.

Perfection is boring. If a face doesn't have mistakes, it's nothing.

Exclusiveness in a garden is a mistake as great as it is in society.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't make them all yourself.

I think everybody makes mistakes. People do things that they regret.

We all make mistakes, and it is better to make them before we begin.

Arnold has had his spokesman call me a crackpot. That was a mistake.

No mans error becomes his own Law; nor obliges him to persist in it.

I don't make a lot of mistakes, because it's hard for me to be wrong

It's a big mistake to try and mislead people. They will turn around.

What I sometimes mistake for ecstasy is simply the absence of grief.

One of the mistakes I made was placing too much trust in Montesinos.

it's a good idea to review past mistakes before committing new ones.

I'm like everybody else: weak, full of mistakes, but basically good.

Let there be no mistake, Hamas is a ruthless terrorist organization.

Mistakes live in the neighbourhood of truth and therefore delude us.

mistakes are a part of life, and Papa works her purpose in them too.

The human race is not very admirable. It was a big mistake of God's.

I made a lot of mistakes out of the ring, but I never made any in it.

The basic mistake people make is to think that happiness is the goal!

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

Any work of architecture that does not express serenity is a mistake.

In politics... never retreat, never retract... never admit a mistake.

There is no such thing as a value trap. There are investing mistakes.

Don't mistake thinking for action & don't mistake action for results.

The chance for mistakes is about equal to the number of crew squared.

I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz.

Mistakes are just 'mis-takes,' or an action that we took that missed.

The search for historical laws is, I maintain, mistaken in principle.

There are no mistakes, save one: the failure to learn from a mistake.

Guilt: I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Shame: I'm sorry. I am a mistake.

You must not mistake passing local cloud cover, for general darkness.

We are having to live with paying the price for what happened before.

Failure is not a verdict; making mistakes is the price of the ticket.

People seek for the spiritual champagne, but they mistake what it is.

If you make the same mistake 3 times, that becomes ‘your arrangement’

I don't believe in love at first sight. I think it's a grave mistake.

I'm not a bad parent and partner, even if I make a thousand mistakes.

You can't hate somebody for the rest of their lives over one mistake.

The greatest mistake a person can make is to be afraid of making one.

Do I really want to spend my whole life trying not to die by mistake?

Better to kill an innocent by mistake than spare an enemy by mistake.

By admitting a mistake, it is easier to get yourself out of a spiral.

My decision to pursue my career at Schalke 04 is in no way a mistake.

Everybody's got regrets. Everybody's made mistakes. Nobody's perfect.

Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors.

Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer could make. You have to feel.

I hope never to see the day that I cannot admit having made a mistake.

You learn by trying and failing. Just a lot of hard work and mistakes.

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