Everybody makes mistakes, that's why they put erasers on pencils

One mistake up here and it's half a day out with the undertaker!

I believe that it is imperative that we learn from the mistakes.

The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal.

it is an easy mistake to think that non-talkers are non-feelers.

I'm a very nice guy, but don't mistake my kindness for weakness.

This is a terrible mistake, because I used up all of my English.

IF you are not making mistakes, then you are not doing anything.

At gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.

When there's a pattern of mistakes, something has got to change.

We make such terrible mistakes with visual choices about beauty.

People give up control because they don't want to make mistakes.

In the heavyweight division, you can't afford to make a mistake.

The nice girl makes the mistake of being available all the time.

The worst mistake is to have the best ladder and the wrong wall.

No one ever became great except through many and great mistakes.

Art cannot be criticized because every mistake is a new creation

My life, my choices, my mistakes, my lessons- NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

People who don't make mistakes are no bloody good to you at all.

To imagine that trauma casts out fantasy is a dangerous mistake.

It's only those who do nothing that make no mistakes, I suppose.

If you don't learn from your mistakes, then they become regrets.

I try not to make the same mistakes today that I made yesterday.

Just don't hold back. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and stuff.

Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something.

Never be afraid to fail. Be afraid of not learning from mistakes.

Political necessities sometime turn out to be political mistakes.

An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.

Making an honest mistake is acceptable. Failing to fix it is not.

The Christian religion is a very powerful and convincing mistake.

Do not mistake a crowd of big wage earners for the leisure class.

Do not mistake a crowd of big wage-earners for the leisure class.

Do not mistake probability for truth, for it is a notorious liar.

I really, truly believe in learning from other people's mistakes.

Make no mistake, adolescence is a war. No one gets out unscathed.

Most of what I learned as an entrepreneur was by trial and error.

Only the one who does not question is safe from making a mistake.

Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.

There’s a benefit to losing, you get to learn from your mistakes.

You have to go through ups and downs. Mistakes turn into lessons.

Why are pencils equipped with erasers if not to correct mistakes?

It is a sin to believe evil of others but it is seldom a mistake.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

We all mess up. It's what we learn from our mistakes that matters.

People sometimes mistake being serious with being taken seriously.

In show business, if you make a mistake, you can do it over again.

The biggest mistake that I have made in my life is choosing Najib.

I am more afraid of our own mistakes than of our enemies' designs.

If you have made a mistake cut your losses as quickly as possible.

Making a mistake is falling down; failure is not getting up again.

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