I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake, your readers might like it.

Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.

I have never forgiven myself…that I might have made a mistake.

Yeah, but a mistake is a mistake even if you get away with it.

The habitually punctual make all their mistakes right on time.

The greatest mistake you can make is to fear making a mistake.

Mistakes are good, successes are great, and idleness is a sin.

I finally figured out what my crime was. I lived. Big mistake.

I laugh at mistakes. I laugh at how you recover from mistakes.

The politician who never made a mistake never made a decision.

A lot of good things in my life came form half of my mistakes.

To be an innovator, you can't be worried about making mistakes.

I was born to make mistakes, I ain't scared to take the weight.

Tact is rubbing out another's mistake instead of rubbing it in.

A series of failures may culminate in the best possible result.

There are few, very few, that will own themselves in a mistake.

Sometimes people mistake the way I talk for what I am thinking.

I'm the kind of guy who only makes a mistake once, never twice.

Greatest thing in life is experience. Even mistakes have value.

If you are not making mistakes, you are not trying hard enough.

Men are apt to prefer a prosperous error to an afflicted truth.

The more you attack, the more your opponent will make mistakes.

The biggest mistake of my life was taking a military education.

Liberty may make mistakes but tyranny is the death of a nation.

I must reclaim my good life and I must return to my good works.

Photography's history is bound to the mistake, to the accident.

Everyone is flawed and everyone makes mistakes and is culpable.

Remember your past mistakes just long enough to profit by them.

The greatest mistake marketers make is trying to create demand.

Walking through the city streets... Is it by mistake or design?

‎"There’s no such thing as mistakes – only a lack of foresight.

The lesson is that you can still make mistakes and be forgiven.

Marriage was probably the worst mistake I ever made in my life.

Doctors bury their mistakes, but mine are still on scholarship.

All businesses make mistakes. The trick is to avoid large ones.

We often mistake the original part of ourselves for a weakness.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Found Alive! First World War a Mistake!

Teach yourself by your own mistakes; people learn only by error.

Learn from my mistakes and you don't have to make them yourself.

Where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me.

A timid mind is apt to mistake every scratch for a mortal wound.

Mistakes aren't fatal; they are merely the portals of discovery.

Mistakes and errors are the discipline through which we advance.

It would hurt. But we'll dust ourselves off and we'll come back.

Most people, including myself, keep repeating the same mistakes.

You find out your mistakes from an audience that pays admission.

A woman who cannot make her mistakes charming, is only a female.

The last thing I want to do is to make the mistakes of the past.

Just because somebody makes a mistake doesn't make them useless.

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