Congrats to Clare Farnsworth on a legendary career! One of the all-time great Seahawks! We will miss you Clare!

I was not a tribalist when I had a long-standing and intimate relationship with Miss Bianca Onoh, an Igbo lady.

He looked at her. "I will miss you, Montana. For the first time in my life, I'll regret leaving someone behind.

To my deafness I'm accustomed, To my dentures I'm resigned, I can manage my bifocals, But Oh how I miss my mind.

You know, we're missing so much as African-Americans and we should be concerned about what's going on in Africa.

Both the cockroach and the bird would get along very well without us, although the cockroach would miss us most.

We cannot attain the presence of God. We're already totally in the presence of God. What's missing is awareness.

Health care missed the PC and Internet revolutions, but it can't afford to miss the cloud and mobile revolution.

If a woman feels anchored to a man's plans, she may start to resent him for the fun she's worried she's missing.

Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. Never miss a good chance to shut up.

I like the job. That's what I'll miss the most... I'm not sure anybody ever liked this as much as I've liked it.

The missing aren't missing, they're only departed, All minds keep all thoughts - so like gold - closely guarded.

I've just seen that there is a really amazing perspective that we're missing by not having more women directing.

I miss the animal buoyancy of New York, the animal vitality. I did not mind that it had no meaning and no depth.

Many times, we miss out on God's best because we give up too soon. We don't realize how close we are to victory.

Miss Hayes, have you stopped to consider that you might have this all backward? That in fact you are my fantasy?

I just want to see around beautiful things. I don't realise how much I miss out on just seeing beautiful scenery.

...if you are one tardy away from missing out on a big competition, you should probably make your coffee at home.

What I really miss these days in music - is the music. I prefer to listen to melodies and songs, not just sounds.

When folks decide they love any institution more than the individual souls inside them, they're missing the mark.

Even when we want to be timid and play it safe, we should pause for a moment to imagine what we might be missing.

People are supposed to care. It's good that people mean something to you, that you miss people when they're gone.

One of the best ways to deal with the peer pressure of the 'Fear of Missing Out' is to opt-out whenever possible.

I think theater is the strongest place to find what's missing in entertainment. Unfortunately, it pays the least.

I am in an outstanding city, an outstanding club. The only thing that Arsenal has been missing is a league title.

She wanted nothing more than someone to miss, to touch, with whom to speak like a child, with whom to be a child.

I have never once regretted missing a business opportunity so that I could be with my children and grandchildren.

How is it possible to miss a woman whom you kept at a distance, so that when she was gone you would not miss her?

Talk to yourself atleast once in a Day.. Otherwise you may miss a meeting with an EXCELLENT person in this World.

You're better off missing a bus or an airplane once in a while than you are getting there too early all the time.

We're always looking for the Big Love, the Big High, the next Big Thing to happen. We miss what's in front of us.

Cultivating quietness is a missing discipline today...the quietness needed to nurture an inner life hid in Christ.

Every hour spent investigating a drug user or seller is an hour that could have been used to find a missing child.

I'm very severe with myself and sometimes I miss French cheese, but in your world it's not exactly the same thing.

I wanted to write a voice that for me, as a reader, had been missing from the chorus: the voice of an angry woman.

The principle was right there - you couldn't miss it. The more we did for our customers, the more they did for us.

What entrepreneurs and artists have in common is that they give the world something it didn't know it was missing.

Miss X has always been a ditherer -- she was a ten month baby and has not improved in any material way since then.

I couldn't kill myself. I would be afraid the minute I did it; something really good would happen and I'd miss it.

Believability and respect are two of the main ingredients in professional wrestling that are sorely missing today.

I don't have a warm personal enemy left. They've all died off. I miss them terribly because they helped define me.

Great books give you a feeling that you miss all day, until you finally get to crawl back inside those pages again.

I won't have to miss smoking any more. Nobody smokes where I'm going: It's like a row of restaurants in California.

You may miss the end of the world, but you definitely are going to have a front row seat for the end of your world.

I don't know why people think I'm polished - I often leave the house with buttons missing and ladders in my tights.

If we get too caught up in the rhetoric of meditation, we will miss the point. The point was to go beyond rhetoric.

A man who says he can see through a woman is missing a lot.-Groucho Marx A man's only as old as the woman he feels.

There is a major ingredient missing from our perception of how changes are brought about; that ingredient is power.

We didn't lose a game at home for two years. What are we missing? We have the product on the field. We're exciting.

To call it a crime against Mankind is to miss at least half its significance, it is also the punishment of a crime.

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