The truth is, when it gets really quiet, when the silence gets too loud, i really start to miss everyone.

There was no way Jacob would voluntarily miss an afternoon with Renesmee sans bloodsuckers. -Bella Cullen

If you try to over-control what you think you will achieve, you'll miss what you can actually accomplish.

I miss home badly sometimes. But then I remember there's nothing left to miss anymore. I feel safer here.

I still have my high school copy of the collected Poe - missing its covers and pretty worse for the wear.

Digital held no romance for me at all. I hated it. I miss my big cameras. The working process, I miss it.

Sir,"she said,"you are no gentleman!" An apt observation,"he answered airily."And, you, Miss, are no lady.

I miss Nixon. Compared to these Nazis we have in the White House now, Richard Nixon was a flaming liberal.

There was something missing. But in my world, there is never time to figure out what is, in fact, missing.

Investments are like trains, and if you miss one, don’t worry because another one will come down the line.

Difficulties are made to be overcome ~ Miss Felicity Lemon, Agatha Christie's Poirot: The Plymouth Express

I play every day. It's like a habit for me now. I just, if I don't play, I kind of miss - something's off.

The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for.

Because I can count on my fingers the number of sunsets I have left, and I don't want to miss any of them.

Wall Street has come to America's heartland, really. The only thing missing are the skyscrapers, you know?

Men have learned to shoot without missing their mark and I have learned to fly without perching on a twig.

I couldn't be happier to not be acting. I miss it, but I don't miss the auditioning or trying to get work.

I would have thought he would be there out of just plain curiosity. It was incredible that he was missing.

I would really like to spend more time with the family. Every time I go abroad I miss them all dreadfully.

Yeah, I think there are a lot of things about Cleveland that I miss. Los Angeles is a funny place to live.

Good writing is often about trying to investigate something you feel is missing and trying to put it back.

I do miss sometimes being onstage, because when I do film and television, it's usually so brief and funny.

I couldn't tell wether the hole that opened up inside me was from missing you or from the change of season

The resurrection was God's way of stamping PAID IN FULL right across history so that nobody could miss it.

You have to shoot, to want to score goals no matter how. Just score that goal! You can't be afraid to miss.

I miss the movies. Still, I understood that my kind of movie has had its day. I thought it was over for me.

I miss the days when faith was discussed in public and not the most intimate details of our personal lives.

A story needs rhythm. Read it aloud to yourself. If it doesn't spin a bit of magic, it's missing something.

Boys, I'm one of those umpires that misses 'em every once in a while so if it's close, you'd better hit it.

I had a tough time 12 years ago getting 'Driving Miss Daisy' off the ground. Today, it would be impossible.

I think everything is happening all the time, but if you don't put yourself in the path of it, you miss it.

I began to believe the fairy tales: You know, how we're all out there looking for our magical missing half.

You may have occasion to possess or use material things, but the secret of life lies in never missing them.

I miss the Swedish women on the first day of spring cause they all just blossom in the most incredible way.

What I've been missing in my career is 30 back-to-back games and getting a good run of form and confidence.

Problems in relationship occur because each person is concentrating on what is missing in the other person.

You are young and have the world before you; stoop as you go through it, and you will miss many hard bumps.

People say I slept with seven miss worlds, I didn't. It was only four, I didn't turn up for the other three

If I were at any time to set out on a career of deceit, it would be of Miss Marple that I should be afraid.

Do not become so absorbed with trivial things that you miss learning the doctrine and teachings of the Lord.

More than the sound of my own beating heart, I miss the sound of a ticking clock. Time passes. It must pass.

The Sixties were an era of extreme reality. I miss the smell of tear gas. I miss the fear of getting beaten.

What if love wasn't the act of finding what you were missing but the give-and-take that made you both match?

You can’t say yes to every role and you have to make people miss you. I don’t want people to get sick of me.

I always work on my abs, every single day. As Miss Universe, exercising your abdominal muscles is mandatory!

Sometimes one of us might be missing because we might be away or something, but there's always four or five.

What I like least about acting is that when you're only in one place, you're missing the other part of life.

We're alike, Jess would tell himself, me and Miss Edmunds . . . We don't belong at Lark Creek, Julia and me.

I keep telling myself that I don't miss you and that I don't love you hoping that someday I will believe it.

If a teacher misses a target, they change the teacher, If a minister misses a target, they change the target

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