"Spirituality" wrongly understood or pursued is a major source of human misery and rebellion against God.

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.

But soon, I shall die, and what I now feel be no longer felt. Soon these burning miseries will be extinct.

She had been so consumed with escaping her own misery, she hadn't considered the misery she might inflict.

There is no sin so profound, no despondency so low, no misery so abject, but the love of Christ is deeper.

Perhaps the rare and simple pleasure of being seen for what one is compensates for the misery of being it.

Loving the ideal more than the reality is the cause of all the misery the human species creates for itself.

There’s no democratic state that’s not compromised to the very core by its part in generating human misery.

The economic misery: who passed NAFTA? You know, Bill Clinton signed that with Hillary's [Clinton] support.

Evil is always devising more corrosive misery through man's restless need to exact revenge out of his hate.

I'm a bit bored of going to the gym! I'm like, 'Someone put me out of my misery - I can't do this anymore!'

I see nothing for the treatment of my misery but the melancholy and very local palliative of articulate art.

I have suffered more from my bad dancing than from all the misfortunes and miseries of my life put together.

Supreme happiness will be the greatest cause of misery, and the perfection of wisdom the occassion of folly.

The greatest works of admiration, And all the fair examples of renown. Out of distress and misery are grown.

The misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing compared to the misery of not being exploited at all.

Religion has caused more misery to all of mankind in every stage of human history than any other single idea.

There is no misery quite so wearing as the misery of a false position. It seems to slay the body and the soul.

Every regret, every mournful thought, takes so much out of your life. It is force used to pile on more misery.

Wars have not solved anything in our region. They have only caused misery, suffering, bereavement, and hatred.

Some people are so addicted to their misery that they will destroy anything that gets in the way of their fix.

Misery which, through long ages, had no spokesman, no helper, will now be its own helper and speak for itself.

Societies can easily talk themselves into conflict and misery. But they can also talk, and act, their way out.

Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 percent of all your happiness or misery.

Happiness for a reason is just another form of misery because the reason can be taken away from us at any time.

Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for our miseries. Yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.

I am as comfortless as a pilgrim with peas in his shoes - and as cold as Charity, Chastity or any other Virtue.

That he delights in the misery of others no man will confess, and yet what other motive can make a father cruel?

Misery, anger, indignation, discomfort-those conditions produce literature. Contentment-never. So there you are.

The bliss of the Creator forever permeates all of creation, and it is only in the forgetting that misery exists.

Whoever increases the sum of human joy, is a worshiper. He who adds to the sum of human misery, is a blasphemer.

Threescore years and ten is enough; if a man can't suffer all the misery he wants in that time, he must be numb.

At some stages of your life you will deal with things and at others you are overwhelmed with misery and anxiety.

If you read the 'Daily Mail,' you would imagine that the British middle classes lead lives of unremitting misery.

You are mine. I recognize you. We twist our souls around each other's miseries. It is that which makes us family.

No misery or bad situation is ever infinite or final until we make a conscious decision for it to be so. ~ Inferno

Misery loves company. This is a Hollywood soap opera, and I'm not going to be a star in another Bryant soap opera.

Some deny the existence of misery by pointing to the sun; he denies the existence of the sun by pointing to misery.

Life is so fast these days, and we're exposed to so much information. Television makes us a witness to such misery.

The world is not fair. If you persist in presuming it is, you will create a lot of unnecessary misery for yourself.

Capitalism is the greatest system ever created for alleviating general human misery, and yet it breeds ingratitude.

Religion is the root of so much misery in the world, and I've always thought there is lack of criticism against it.

No one can usurp the heights... But those to whom the miseries of the world Are misery, and will not let them rest.

Misery loves company, particularly when she is herself the hostess, and can give generously of her stores to others.

Companions, in misery and worse, that is what we all are, and to try to change this substantially avails us nothing.

Even in misery we love to be foremost, to have the bitter in our cup acknowledged as more bitter than that of others.

Misery is when you heard on the radio that the neighborhood you live in is a slum but you always thought it was home.

Do you desire not to be angry? Be not inquisitive. He who inquires what is said of him only works out his own misery.

If there is technological advance without social advance, there is, almost automatically, an increase in human misery.

I wanted a heaven. And I grew up striving for that world-- an eternal world- that would wash away my temporary misery.

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