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I could have written a misery memoir and instead I tried to make it funny. I never complained.
Behind the mask of indifference is bottomless misery and behind apparent callousness, despair.
To do art, one thing should always remember - subjects of people in misery have deep meanings.
It is when we are in misery that we revere the gods; the prosperous seldom approach the altar.
I am about to be married, and am of course in all the misery of a man in pursuit of happiness.
Failure and its accompanying misery is for the artist his most vital source of creative energy.
It's important to produce economic development. Fundamentalism develops even faster with misery.
You can,t make yourself happy by causing other peoples misery -Tyler Perry The Family That Preys
Ay! idleness! the rich folks never fail To find some reason why the poor deserve Their miseries.
Somehow the anticipation of pain can be even more troubling, more a misery than the pain itself.
I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.
If God made the world, I would not be that God, for the misery of the world would break my heart.
The wonderful fortune of some writers deludes and leads to misery a great number of young people.
The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances.
The only conversion involved in Vipassana is from misery to happiness, from bondage to liberation.
To live without experiencing some shame and blushes of admiration would surely be a wretched life.
Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the over-compensations for misery.
It is by attempting to reach the top in a single leap that so much misery is produced in the world.
By compassion we make others' misery our own, and so, by relieving them, we relieve ourselves also.
Sensibility of mind is indeed the parent of every virtue, but it is the parent of much misery, too.
religion is to misogyny as disease is to misery - not the sole cause, but a significant contributor
He runs to the sink to spit it out. I grin. There’s nothing quite as funny as someone else’s misery.
Liberals like to achieve fairness by spreading the misery. Conservatives seek to expand opportunity.
If you are a taker of happiness you get misery, if you are a giver of happiness you get joy and love.
Whatever the misery, he could not regain contentment with a world which, once doubted, became absurd.
Miserable men commiserate not themselves; bowelless unto others, and merciless unto their own bowels.
It was said of old Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, that she never puts dots over her I s, to save ink.
People will come up, and they'll talk about 'Misery.' But a lot of people will talk about 'Waterboy.'
In my estimation, more misery has been created by reformers than by any other force in human history.
Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me.
Misery don't call ahead. That's why you have to stay awake - otherwise it just walks on in your door.
I, schooled in misery, know many purifying rites, and I know where speech is proper and where silence.
Right now, they feel they have lost their voice, and their miseries have increased since my departure.
There is nothing glamorous or romantic about war. It's mostly about random pointless death and misery.
My appetite for self-destruction and misery is greatly diminished. I'm not interested in being unhappy.
I find the earth to be a place of misery in which I am surrounded by the conformity that kills society.
You can change your attachment from this to that, but you will be in misery. Attachment creates misery.
The "pursuit of happiness" is responsible for a good part of the ills and miseries of the modern world.
The first great requisite is absolute sincerity. Falsehood and disguise are miseries and misery-makers.
If at any moment Time stays his hand, it is only when we are delivered over to the miseries of boredom.
Our epoch has been called the century of work. It is in fact the century of pain, misery and corruption.
When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?
A person who's happy will make others happy; a person who has courage and faith will never die in misery
Once you have tasted meditation, it is impossible for you to be in any misery. Bliss becomes inevitable.
God is on the move to rescue people from misery to everlasting happiness, which can only be found in him.
I would be the first to say that while a lack of money can cause misery, money doesn't buy you happiness.
If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.
Happiness comes from moving toward something. When you run away, ofttimes you bring your misery with you.
He who understand my music will remain free from the miseries that the other men are dragging with them .
My soul refuses to be satisfied so long as it is a helpless witness of a single wrong or a single misery.