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You could be happy, the minute you try. Why won't you try? Oh won't you try?
I'm a sucker for a packet of biscuits. I can eat a whole pack in 10 minutes.
Some people you can afford to spend a few minutes with, but not a few hours.
I can train any dog in 5 minutes. It's training the owner that takes longer.
It takes me 10 minutes to get ready to go out, and that includes the shower.
Five minutes are enough to dream a whole life, that is how relative time is.
Our senses enable us to perceive only a minute portion of the outside world.
Fame is everywhere; the 15 minutes are now the dominant themes of our times.
15 minutes a day! Give me just this and I'll prove I can make you a new man.
I met a lot of hard-boiled eggs in my life, but you - you're twenty minutes.
When you've got 5 minutes to fill, Twitter is a great way to fill 35 minutes.
We're still in the first minutes of the first day of the Internet revolution.
You are writing the story of your only life every single minute of every day.
You have to make a joke every 10–15 minutes. It’s a way of keeping up morale.
We shot ten minutes of the movie, and now we're looking for completion funds.
In 1969 I gave up women and alcohol - it was the worst 20 minutes of my life.
I have to say that Donald Trump is on probably about the 13th minute of fame.
I don't hate anyone, at least not for more than 48 minutes, barring overtime.
Five minutes of a lifetime were truly spent, and we felt young in a good way.
I joke that, 'Give us forty-two minutes, and we'll get your bad guy for you.'
You shouldn't inflict yourself on the public when your fifteen minutes is up.
I wouldn’t trust the best fifteen minutes I ever lived to get me into heaven.
The minute you start putting words on paper you're eliminating possibilities.
In 1969, I gave up women and alcohol - it was the worst 20 minutes of my life.
I don't want to die as long as I can work; the minute I can not, I want to go.
I mean, Beatles songs were two and a half minutes long, and they're fantastic.
American families only spend 17 minutes a day on average having time together.
I have got five minutes, some whip-its, and the key to the executive bathroom.
I guess it comes back to the old motto, you have you're fifteen minutes a fame.
Anybody who can dial a telephone can master tennis scoring in about 15 minutes.
I love playing a character that has more than 90 minutes, and that keeps going.
The pilot is easy. It is 30 minutes, 20 minutes. It is not that much to juggle.
I can't even carpe 15 minutes in a row. So a whole diem is out of the question.
I'm gonna miss playing for my hometown team. Living five minutes down the road.
Music is not just a part of my everday life, I'm surrounded by it every minute.
I make music to bring the dead to life for a couple minutes and then let it go.
You save 15 more minutes of sleep if you are a man and you don't have to shave.
Intellectuals have opinions on subjects they just heard about five minutes ago.
The minute you begin to have doubts, the floor under your feet starts to shake.
Loving you is like a Song I replay every 3 Minutes and 30 Seconds of every Day.
If you don't like Scottish weather, wait 30 minutes, and it is likely to change.
The reason I beat the Austrians is, they did not known the value of five minutes
That's why I play basketball. To play a lot of minutes, and to help my team win.
Time is everything; five minutes make the difference between victory and defeat.
It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, but you can lose it in a minute.
If a man cannot make his point to keen boys in ten minutes, he ought to be shot!
I was in for 10 hours and had 40 pints - beating my previous record by 20 minutes
You get 15 minutes of fame, I hear, and I've had 14 minutes. The clock's ticking.
You've got seconds to grab your audience's attention and only minutes to keep it.
Most of the time, songs that I write end up being finished in 30 minutes or less.