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For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.
Folks, just a few minutes of my voice can change a life.
The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people
Women are like ovens. We need 5 to 15 minutes to heat up.
I don't regret either of my marriages - not for a minute.
I don't think there's that many great 90-minute comedies.
The minute you make people laugh, you get them to listen.
Decisions in 10 minutes or less, or the next one is free.
The minute that you're not learning I believe you're dead.
I've been on hold for 30 minutes. I just got disconnected.
I thought for a minute, and then I got heavy, heavy boots.
Only the minute and the future are interesting in fashion.
If we get through for two minutes only it will be a start!
A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
It takes only five minutes to look nice before you go out.
Bodybuilding isn’t 90 minutes in the gym..it’s a lifestyle
I got to fight every second, every minute and every round.
Forty minutes in front of Beck isn't really where it's at.
I think you start to prepare the minute you read something.
Auto racing began 5 minutes after the second car was built.
She was thirty-five, and she did not look a minute younger.
The minute we think we went hard, go harder. We gotta work.
Since thou are not sure of a minute, throw not away an hour.
Every minute with a child takes seven minutes off your life.
It takes one minute to tell a lie, and an hour to refute it.
The biggest doubts come in the five minutes after I hit send.
Save the fleeting minute; learn gracefully to dodge the bore.
Time is your most precious resource; make every minute count.
You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.
If I put the top down, I start to burn in about five minutes.
There are 43,000 minutes in a month - can't you give me five?
I miss it every minute, and I have no wish at all to go back.
Every minute you invest in kids you get back four times over.
You know the minute you stop thinking about it, it'll happen.
I take a whole life story and compress it into three minutes.
'Love Story' I wrote on my bedroom floor in about 20 minutes.
Wait a minute, I'm a fan of yours; you can't be a fan of mine!
The minute one utters a certainty, the opposite comes to mind.
One more minute of this, and she’d be a certifiable simpleton.
Why must every eleven minutes of my life be filled with misery?
I feel like every day, every minute I have to make the most of.
I was 12 minutes late. Let's not make a federal case out of it.
I can't remember that I ever had just a minute of stage fright.
I enjoy the work, I enjoy every minute of my professional life.
Every minute of life I take a risk; it's part of the enjoyment.
I've loved every minute of every hour I've spent doing theatre.
One time my mom tried to ground me, but that lasted 15 minutes.
After about 15 minutes, you feel that you're winning them over.
15 minutes will open up the amnesia and you'll have full recall.
If you are five minutes early, you are already ten minutes late.