I am happy that Uddhav Thackeray has become chief minister of Maharashtra, and I would like to congratulate him.

As prime minister, Hariri did not directly confront Hezbollah or the Syrians, but conflict simmered nonetheless.

I think I am the first person to have made a statement that Narendra Modi should be the Prime Minister of India.

When the congregation becomes the norm by which sermons are measured, a minister has put a mortgage on his soul.

Transport is not a ministry the ambitious should accept: no transport minister has gone on to be prime minister.

I want to be, like, a fertility minister. Like, someone who takes you by the hand and tells you that it'll be OK.

My father was a Pentecostal minister; that's how I was brought up. So I never thought of having a secular career.

I opened about a dozen employment centers for Arab women across Israel during my two years as minister of economy.

I do believe it is true that the people of India regard the prime minister as the most important political leader.

If I am prime minister, we will come out of the European Union, and part of that will be control of free movement.

I wince at some of the things I did as the young wife of Canada's fifteenth prime minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

I know my Trotskyites well, and I know you don't want to be invested in the U.K. if a Trotskyite is prime minister.

The prime minister is not a private individual, but the leader of the Jewish State and the Jewish world as a whole.

You cannot name a Canadian prime minister who has done as many significant things as I did, because there are none.

What do you do if you are asked to do a job, first by the Prime Minister, and then by the King? How can you refuse?

My ordination in the Church of God in Christ was at age 9, and I later became a Baptist minister, which I am today.

I would like all French children to have unlimited opportunities opened up for them as French minister of education.

Having spent six years as Europe Minister, I am in no doubt about the technical challenge Brexit presents lawmakers.

I prepared myself for my marriage to Pierre Trudeau, but I didn't prepare myself for marriage to the prime minister.

The best sermon is preached by the minister who has a sermon to preach and not by the man who has to preach a sermon.

I was not born to be prime minister, and I'm not going to stay here until the end of my life. I'm too young for that.

I would like to become the prime minister, do the job for two years, and then leave and devote myself to public work.

I am delighted that India will be my first official visit since taking up my appointment as a Foreign Office Minister.

I became a prime minister within four-and-a-half years, the shortest kind of career ever in Israeli political history.

My daddy was a minister, my grandfather was a voodoo priest, my uncle was a mason; I was raised with a lot of studies.

My pitch is very simple. My name is Theresa May, and I think I'm the best person to be Prime Minister of this country.

My mother supported me from the beginning and never said you should be an activist or civil rights leader or minister.

Ministry is the least important thing. You cannot not minister if you are in communion with God and live in community.

Although I never wanted Theresa May to be our Prime Minister, I had been prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt.

God has allowed me through the BSB to minister in a positive way, encouraging people to stand up for what they believe.

Books minister to our knowledge, to our guidance, and to our delight, by their truth, their uprightness, and their art.

When you have a prime minister who is corrupt, then you can be sure that a country cannot be anything else but corrupt.

Can a Congress worker ever think of becoming a Prime Minister? No. Because that seat is reserved by birth in that party.

I have no ambitions to be a cabinet minister, or prime minister. I wouldn't wish being prime minister on my worst enemy.

I was Minister for the Armed Forces in the Ministry of Defence for two years prior to being appointed Defence Secretary.

The prime minister in Belgium gave our album to Barack Obama. I was really surprised that he decided to give a CD of us.

Unfortunately, America doesn't have a minister of culture, and I don't understand why. It's really bad for young people.

The country is polarised between those who would pursue a hard Brexit, which is where the prime minister is, and Remain.

A prime minister's job is to make sure the government works for those who have elected him, and not for big corporations.

When I was a minister I only went on about things I was going to make happen. I very rarely talked about things I wasn't.

The Goldstone Committee was formed in April of 2009, after I was not prime minister. So it was a new political situation.

The E.U. referendum was promised by a Conservative Prime Minister fearful of losing votes and of mass defections to UKIP.

As a prime minister, my job is not to try and influence or opine on what a leader of a different country should be doing.

No prime minister in Britain will ever be able to go to war without the endorsement of a majority of the House of Commons.

We have a prime minister, I'm the foreign minister, I'm trying to get on with the job of doing Australia's foreign policy.

To be prime minister, you need to fight many entities, you need to be very determined. It's not going to fall in your lap.

I'm an opposition leader. But Mr Modi is also my prime minister. Mr Modi has certain skills. He's a very good communicator.

Prime Minister Najib had continuously denounced me as an enemy of the Malaysian state and accused me of spreading Fake News.

I am not entering politics to be another Knesset member. If I enter the political arena I want to be prime minister. Period.

How do you trust a prime minister who said one thing before the elections and does exactly the opposite after the elections?

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