A new world is only a new mind.

Calm of mind, all passion spent.

All abilities come from one mind

My mind is clouded with a doubt.

O, full of scorpions is my mind!

The mind can never be satisfied.

Lust weakens both body and mind.

The body and mind are dependent.

The mind is an enchanting thing.

Chance favours the trained mind.

Top of mind means tip of tongue.

Stuff your brain with knowledge.

Mind is shapely, Art is shapely.

Let the poor man mind his tongue

A peaceful mind generates power.

Let the flesh instruct the mind.

Great actions speak great minds.

The enemy is always in the mind.

Poverty is just a state of mind.

Minds are simply what brains do.

Speech is the index of the mind.

A secret is a secret in my mind.

Only your mind can produce fear.

Engineering stimulates the mind.

California is always in my mind.

Empty your mind of all thoughts.

The resolved mind hath no cares.

A sound body keeps a sound mind.

Religion stills a thinking mind.

Is there no way out of the mind?

Open your mind before your mouth

Celestial wisdom calms the mind.

The mind is just another muscle.

My MIND POWER gave me this body.

A good mind possesses a kingdom.

Sanity’s a virginity of the mind

Education forms the common mind.

Tis the mind must guide the hand.

[Emily Litella line:] Never mind.

Screw the truth into men's minds.

I don't mind what I play, really.

It is your minds that are moving.

Where the mind goes energy flows.

Ambition is the mind's immodesty.

Irony is the hygiene of the mind.

I don't mind telling a dark side.

The mind is what the mind is fed.

Learning never exhausts the mind.

Peace visits not the guilty mind.

Small things affects small minds.

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