Books are embalmed minds.

I've got a war in my mind

My mind is always racing.

They've lost their minds.

My mind is my own church.

My mind is my laboratory.

A new music is a new mind.

I never had peace of mind.

I don't mind what happens.

The mind is not sex-typed.

Ideas come from everything

Never mind the use--do it!

Stretch your mind and fly.

Boston is a state of mind.

Mind is a verb not a noun.

Reading musses up my mind.

Law is mind without reason.

Breath is the king of mind.

What is matter? Never mind.

Mind the dead man, my dear.

No wandering minds allowed.

My mind to me an empire is.

My Mind To Me a Kingdom Is.

A man's head is his castle.

Yoga is mind wave quieting.

Garden work clears the mind.

Credit is money of the mind.

Food makes my mind sluggish.

Man is not mind, he is soul.

Gun Control is mind control.

Her mind is a haunted house.

I don't have a complex mind.

Uplift, your mind is a gift.

Minds were made for blowing.

Paradise is a state of mind.

Love God with all your mind.

A full mind is an empty bat.

The mind is a powerful tool.

Renunciation is of the mind.

Heart and mind overcome all.

My mind is my biggest asset.

I will always speak my mind.

Your mind grows through use.

I had in mind a long career.

Pity melts the mind to love.

Out of sight is out of mind.

I don't mind not being cool.

Arousal leaves us mind-blind.

Happiness is a state of mind.

I wouldn't mind being a lord.

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