Milwaukee is really quiet. The people here are really respectful. They can see me in the street, walking on the road. I can go to anyplace in Milwaukee without people being all over me. I appreciate that.

I just wanted to be around a positive organization that's used to winning and plays the game the right way. Milwaukee, they're not used to winning. I just wasn't going to go for it at the end of my career.

I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on June 15, 1916. My father, an electrical engineer, had come to the United States in 1903 after earning his engineering diploma at the Technische Hochschule of Darmstadt, Germany.

It's definitely different than living in Los Angeles or Miami Beach, but Milwaukee is still a great city in its own right. As far as the baseball goes, it's been everything and more than I thought it was going to be.

I'm a really competitive guy. I'm a really stubborn guy. That's what makes me want to take Milwaukee to the top, make Milwaukee a big market team. That's a goal I've set for myself. Hopefully, one day I can achieve it.

When I was in Milwaukee, I would go into this sneaker shop near my mom's salon and chop it up with the older heads about music. At school, I would make drum noises on the table so much that I would always get suspended.

The whole issue of corrections is something that came up a lot, no matter where we were. I think people would expect that would be a Milwaukee issue, but it's an issue across the state, and that ties to so many other things.

For me, my friends, my family, myself, we all grew up as Bucks fans just being in the hometown. I think my friends have converted into Miami Heat fans and I've done the same obviously. We're not too big on Milwaukee anymore.

I didn't like the way I shot the ball in Milwaukee, so I worked really hard on my shooting - threes off the move and off the catch. And also continued to work on my ball-handling and my in-between game - my runners and floaters.

As mayor of Milwaukee, I've had many developers come and many businesses come and have asked for financial assistance from the city, and my questions have always been: how many jobs are we talking about and are these family-supporting jobs.

For nearly five years, I worked with Marquette University Law School and helped to administrate a community crime prevention initiative called Safe Streets. We used restorative justice practices to help reduce crime and violence in the Milwaukee community.

To be a Milwaukee Buck, it's a great feeling. It's a unique feeling. It's a small-city market, but when you live there, and you play there every night, you realize how much you mean to that city and how much you can do to impact people's lives around there.

I've been dealing with racism since I was a little kid! My dad's super black, from Puerto Rico. Then my mom's super white - she's Puerto Rican too, but she grew up in Milwaukee. As a Latino in the U.S. I've seen how we are treated differently based on the color of our skin.

Many times when we are talking about displacement, we talk about it within the frame of gentrification, which focuses on transitioning neighborhoods. But man, every city I've looked at, Milwaukee included, most evictions are right there, smack dab in ungentrifying, poor, segregated communities.

I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I moved to L.A. when I was about eleven years old. I always go back to Milwaukee whenever I can. Just chill with my grandpa and my grandmother and just be with family, be with people that were there before I got a million views on YouTube because of my music video.

I rooted for the Milwaukee Brewers and its stars, Robin Yount and Paul Molitor. I went to a lot of games, including the World Series in 1982. The Brewers may have been a bad team for most of my life, but to have your team at its peak when you are thirteen years old is an experience I wish for every fan.

One of the nice things about the United States is that, wherever you go, people speak the same language. So native New Yorkers can move to San Francisco, Houston, or Milwaukee and still understand and be understood by everyone they meet. Right? Well, not exactly. Or, as a native New Yorker might put it, 'Wrong!'

Back when I was 16, when I should have been doing normal high school things, I availed myself of my brand new driver's license to spend as much time as possible in Milwaukee's Renaissance Book Shop, a tumbledown five-story warehouse that the city was finally able to close down in 2011 for safety reasons. It was my teenage paradise.

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