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Alice wonders if other women in the middle of the night have begun to resent their Formica.
You can't make war in the Middle East without Egypt and you can't make peace without Syria.
And on the Tree of Life, The middle tree and highest there that grew, Sat like a cormorant.
So listen, man, "weird" is my middle name. I'm ready for anything. The weirder, the better.
It's no longer an exaggeration to say that middle-class Americans are an endangered species.
I lived a very, very Middle Eastern life until I was in my early 20s. It was very sheltered.
We are in the middle of the most transforming technological event since the capture of fire.
Men who are orthodox when they are young are in danger of being middle-aged all their lives.
You can (be a middle-aged comic) if you work very hard at it, because comedy is really hard.
I could stand in the middle Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters.
Life will be simpler when I don't spend two-thirds of the year in the middle of the Pacific.
Take the middle 70 percent and tell them what they need to do to get into the top 20 percent.
She holds up a finger. "I'm getting to it. Don't rush a girl in the middle of her exposition.
Have you ever been to Colorado?" I frowned. "Is that one of those square ones, in the middle?
Anyone can be an idealist. Anyone can be a cynic. The hard part lies somewhere in the middle.
We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder.
The thing about relationships is, when you are in the middle of one, they consume your focus.
I was a black center in the middle of all the nature. I was nothing, but I could do anything.
I still belong to a middle class family; middle class is a mindset than your financial status.
You will not really have durable peace without a proper security structure in the Middle East.
I come from a middle class family, and my parents weren't too supportive of my career choices.
Everything is about class in England, whether it's upper, lower or middle. Why should that be?
Middle age is when a guy keeps turning off lights for economical rather than romantic reasons.
Nothing could be lovelier than running across the Golden Gate Bridge in the middle of the fog.
I was held hostage and almost executed by a man who was robbing us in the middle of the night.
When you sit right down in the middle of yourself you're gonna wanna have a comfortable chair.
Just once, I would like there to be something special about being the kid stuck in the middle.
I like thick or middle (spaghetti). Thin for me is always overcooked by the time I'm eating it.
I can get runs much faster if I stay there in the middle to give bowlers more time and cushion.
After a while the middle-aged person who lives in her head begins to talk to her soul, the kid.
We are not going back to the failed policies of the past. We are fighting for the middle class!
Minimum wage laws have never worked in terms of having the middle class attain more prosperity.
Everyone tells us you really don't know what you're capable of till you're in the middle of it.
I was just in the middle of singing a song about how broke we were and now my cell phone rings.
You can't stop a reform in the middle. You do it completely and pretty fast, or you don't do it.
Poetry either pulses with real life or it's just an aborted simulacra. There's no middle ground.
But since the middle of the century in particular, the music has become very irregular in rhythm.
I listen to the far left which informs the far right. Somewhere in the middle is where we end up.
Actually, I was born Adam Zachary Orth. Zak is short for my middle name. I was never called Adam.
Great rationalizations. All of which her adrenal gland middle-fingered and then carried right on.
I developed a passion for the Middle Ages the same way some people develop a passion for coconuts.
Middle age is when your old classmates are so grey and wrinkled and bald they don't recognize you.
The regional security in the Middle East cannot be further compromised by an Iranian loose cannon.
I never liked the name Eldred. Since nobody knew me in New York, I just changed to my middle name.
Like bookends, we have learned to support each other when the stuff in the middle pushes us apart.
I was voted funniest person in my middle-school yearbook. So I guess I was funny in middle school?
So much of our attention is trained on the Middle East these days, but we cannot ignore East Asia.
Everything is give and take. The solutions are in the middle not in the extremity of the situation.
We've gone too far in thinking we can re-create an American democratic paradise in the Middle East.
Middle age is when you stop criticizing the older generation and start criticizing the younger one.