I feel like I have so many middle-aged women who look up to me.

A lot of middle-aged women are children still trying to find their way.

For some reason I seem to be a massive hit with middle-aged women. I seriously don't know what it is.

Public and employer opinion often defeat society's best interests with a prejudice against middle-aged women.

We're all weirdly single, middle-aged women with too much money who look to fill the void with too much shopping.

If I pop off and do something drastic, everyone's going to realise because they know I'm 50. Anyway, middle-aged women are sensational.

Middle-aged women have greater stability, they are more loyal, and their capacity for steady work is greater than that of younger women.

Ten-year-old boys move differently than middle-aged women, who move differently than athletic guys, who move differently than government bureaucrats.

People come up and say, 'Hey, I know you!' They're middle-aged women and big burly guys. They say, 'Don't tell anyone, but I watch Felicity, and I think it's great.'

Middle-aged women on telly is a bit of a hot topic - before, we were 27 to 37, and now we're 40 to 50. You do notice as you get older... you go past 35, and suddenly you're playing baddies.

I've always wanted to play a Marvel baddie. I'm not sure I fit the mold, though. Like a powerful, extraordinary woman. Somebody with superpowers would be really fun, but I'm not sure how many middle-aged women they have in Marvel.

When I was at college, I worked in a department store called Brit Home Stores, which is a pretty lackluster department store, selling clothes for middle-aged women. My job was to walk the floor and find anything that was damaged, take it to the store room and log it.

While 'Twilight''s popularity was undeniable among both the teenagers they were aimed at and middle-aged women who flocked to the series in droves, Meyer has drawn her share of criticism for her writing. Some feminist critics assailed what they saw as Bella's mooning over her vampire lover.

'Scream Queens' was so much fun, kind of like a big sorority. And 'American Horror Story' is very serious, like a really hip family of middle-aged women. The deaths were fun on 'Scream Queens'; the deaths on 'Horror Story' are very real and intense, and you have to be emotionally prepped for them.

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