Problems are messages.

The medium is the message.

Your life is your message.

The median isn't the message.

Let your life be your message.

The medium obscured the message.

A record is a message, timeless.

the truth is often a mixed message

Each material has its own message.

In every crisis there is a message.

I have no great message to the world.

Kirshna's message is eternal - fight!

Music without a message is just sound

My message is that God is a good God.

Always be sexy. I salute that message.

There's always a message in my comedy.

The message of great art is to disturb.

I will not be back after these messages

I don't think good films have messages.

Every happening is a lesson, a message.

We realize our messages are influential.

Films with a message just make me laugh.

You never quiet the love message. Never.

I’ll respond to your text message, baby.

Even the idiot may have a message for us

Life is a message scribbled in the dark.

I try not to look for messages in films.

Have God make a message out of your mess.

Do your best to spread positive messages.

Man is a messenger who forgot the message.

We need missionaries to match our message.

Flowers are like visible messages from God.

When you get the message, hang up the phone.

A good message will always find a messenger.

Donald Trump is able to get his message out.

My message is, if you need help, ask for it.

I think the message of peace is for everyone.

I'm cycling to take cancer message worldwide.

Intuition is a heart message minus the static.

I'm not the messenger at all. I'm the message.

Relationships are the core message of ecology.

I send messages to the White House continuously

My message is simple: take control of your life

I dont want no mail. Send me a Facebook message.

People are hungry for messages of hope and life.

I send messages to the White House continuously.

The messenger is not as important as the message.

You can send a clear message to the establishment

Environments are the messages before the message.

I am an Instrument of Nature..Love is my message.

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