He has a number of curious facts in illustration of the power of mere goodness to protect against outrage.

The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is no walk in the park or mere drum-beating and gong-clanging.

Faith Words aren't just mere positive affirmations; they open your life up to the supernatural power of God.

No doubt, unity is something to be desired, to be striven for, but it cannot be willed by mere declarations.

Mere access to the courthouse doors does not by itself assure a proper functioning of the adversary process.

Great VCs are more than mere investors; they are often seasoned leaders who have built companies themselves.

In an information society, education is no mere amenity; it is the prime tool for growing people and profits.

The censor boards are mere redundant forces conspiring to keep the 'bold' films out of reach of the audience.

Hitler admired Stalin, quite properly seeing himself as a mere infant in crime compared to his great exemplar.

Grit can't be measured on pop quizzes, but it can often predict long-term success more than mere intelligence.

As poverty has been reduced in terms of mere survival, it has become more profound in terms of our way of life.

... the Power who gave a power, by its mere existence, signifies that it must be brought out towards perfection.

The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.

Can't step from one movie set to the next. Only Samuel L. Jackson can do that. All us mere mortals can't do that!

When we get to wishing a great deal for ourselves, whatever we get soon turns into mere limitation and exclusion.

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.

And when did mere preaching do any good? Put something in the place of these things. Fill the vacuum of the mind.

In the Navy, I slept mere feet from a nuclear reactor, so I have no knee-jerk opposition to traditional reactors.

The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application.

The universe is more than mere matter in motion. It and we were brought into being by a Creator who seeks our good.

Cease conceiving of education as mere preparation for later life, and make it the full meaning of the present life.

How good is man's life, the mere living! How fit to employ all the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy!

I grew up in Atlanta, which meant the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, was a mere 200 miles away.

If you want to lose weight, you must make sure your appetite for life is far bigger than your appetite for mere food.

The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual fiber of a nation than its wealth.

We no longer dare to believe in beauty and we make of it a mere appearance in order the more easily to dispose of it.

The appalling reality in American politics today is that, when ideology and money mix, truth is a mere inconvenience.

No doubt unity is something to be desired, to be striven for, but it cannot be willed into being by mere declarations.

Resilience is distinct from mere survival, and more than mere endurance. Resilience is often endurance with direction.

UNIX always presumes you know what you're doing. You're the human being, after all, and it is a mere operating system.

Pessimism, she is a fond friend of yours, yes?" - That's uncalled for. I barely know her. Mere acquaintances, at best.

The memory, experiencing and re-experiencing, has such power over one's mere personal life, that one has merely lived.

We are more than the work we perform. In fact, I'd say that our work is a mere representation of who we are underneath.

Research! A mere excuse for idleness; it has never achieved, and will never achieve any results of the slightest value.

Manoj Muntashir is a fantastic lyricist of this generation and he has penned my indie number 'Ae Mere Dil' very nicely.

Twitter was a mere prototype in 2006; now, many of us have become adept at saying all we have to say in 140 characters.

We can choose between the future and the past, between reason and ignorance, between true compassion and mere ideology.

One does not study for a goal. One sings because one can't help it! The 'goal' nine times out of ten is a mere accident.

Emptiness is not a mere emptiness, but rather fullness in which the distinctiveness of everything is throughly realized.

No man is to be credited for his mere authority's sake, unless he can show Scripture for the maintenance of his opinion.

Mathematicians may flatter themselves that they possess new ideas which mere human language is as yet unable to express.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are not mere neighbours, we are more than that, we are connected by Muslim bond of brotherhood.

The mere drawing and painting world of the pattern designer and the applied artist must become a world that builds again.

But nothing in India is identifiable, the mere asking of a question causes it to disappear or to merge in something else.

To a poet the mere making of a poem can seem to solve the problem of truth, but only a problem of art is solved in poetry.

Our culture has always been about treating women as mothers. It is sad that women are treated as mere sex objects by many.

Amusement is a way of boredom-avoidance through external stimulation that fails to exercise our minds. It's mere diversion.

The Nature Lover is not looking for mere facts but for meanings, for something he can translate into terms of his own life.

When I was a kid, Ellen DeGeneres and Rosie O'Donnell were mere blips on the gaydar; and they were both still in the closet.

To qualify as a recession, economic activity must decline in an absolute sense; a mere slowdown in real growth is not enough.

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