Music has a poetry of its own, and that poetry is called melody.

You always will be singing a song or humming a line or a melody.

A letter depends on how you read it, a melody on how you sing it.

You can't under-estimate the power of uplifting melody and words.

There are only so many notes so there must be only so many melodies.

I find that the rhythm of going on long walks will suggest melodies.

'Dawn (Go Away)' is a sad lyric, but the melody is so happy and fun.

I would say that I'm more moved by melody, even though I love to rap.

I have a very strange melodic gift: melodies come to me effortlessly.

All my music is very simple in that melody is usually clearly stated.

I'm a sucker for pop melodies, things you can't get out of your head.

If you're going to start with melody you'll need some tympani, I think.

God gives you the gift of melody or He doesn't - it's as simple as that.

Every heart has its own melody," he said. "You know mine. - James Carstairs

I usually start with a lyric or a melody and then build a song around that.

I would say that we like to disguise our heartbreaks with happier melodies.

When I'm writing, I'm focusing more on just the basic melody and the lyrics.

A folk melody can exist uniquely but also still be somewhat familiar to you.

I started writing music in a French way: more focused on lyrics than melody.

For me, the music dictates the melody. Give me a riff to sing over, you know?

You can have a great lyric and a so-so melody; it's going to be a tough sell.

There is a lot of melody and things that sound familiar in hundreds of songs.

The writing of a melody is an emotional moment; success doesn't make it easy.

It's always music first, or melody and words together, but never words first.

I'm not a fan of that sort of punky, heavy, tinny stuff. I like a nice melody.

I find it really irritating when a band changes the melody of a song you know.

Love is a haunting melody that I have never mastered, and I fear I never will.

I'm not a grime act, I'm not a rapper, nor am I melody man. I just make music.

Basically, country is my kind of music - the simple melody, the simple lyrics.

One of the dumber things my manager said was, Stick to the melody. But I can't.

I find sadness and strife to be so much more interesting with an upbeat melody.

Because if you've got the wit, you can make anything into a melody, ultimately.

I like rock music that has melody, but it also makes you wanna get up and dance.

Composing a melody or a western song is easier than composing a commercial number.

He kissed her, and their souls melted into each other in a melody older than time.

Prose poetry is not set to a melody or music so there's something freeing about it.

I write a melody and then change it and change it until I get it the way I like it.

I know how to put it into a melody and make it comical but sexual at the same time.

Rap, for me, I go at any tempo and any sound of beat and incorporate melody as well.

Melody is a form of remembrance. It must have a quality of inevitability in our ears.

I shall take my voice wherever there are those who want to hear the melody of freedom

I like music that not only has a pop melody to it but is also deeply about something.

There's usually a rhythm and a melody in my head, and that creates an emotional state.

My guitar-playing always included bass lines, melody lines, and rhythm-guitar grooves.

I never think about rhythm versus melody; I've always just played to what's in my head.

I would love to write a song that's exciting, bright, and has a fresh melody and lyrics.

When I look at acts, I look at the worldwide potential. And what travels wide is melody.

I really liked the Sex Pistols when they came out and I thought they had a lot of melody.

Melodies die out, like the pipe of Pan, with the ears that love them and listen for them.

I don't believe in original melodies. There are only so many computations of eight notes.

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