When we force a boy to be a mediocrity in a dozen subjects we destroy his standards, perhaps for life.

The appearance of a single great genius is more than equivalent to the birth of a hundred mediocrities

There's a lot of mediocrity being celebrated, and a lot of wonderful stuff being ignored or discouraged.

All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.

Anyone in any walk of life who is content with mediocrity is untrue to himself and to American tradition.

Being famous is not something that would make me feel successful - unless one was striving for mediocrity.

When small men attempt great enterprises, they always end by reducing them to the level of their mediocrity.

The mediocrity of everything in the great world of today is simply appalling. We live in intellectual slums.

The signature of mediocrity is not an unwillingness to change. The signature of mediocrity is inconsistency.

Dividing meager resources across a host of medium term operational goals creates mediocrity on a broad scale.

It is not always the highest talent that thrives best. Mediocrity, with tact, will outweigh talent oftentimes.

No one will ever follow you down the street if you're carrying a banner that says, "Onward toward mediocrity."

The general tendency of things throughout the world is to render mediocrity the ascendant power among mankind.

Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.

Low standards are a tactic that takes pressure off teachers unions by accepting mediocrity and failure for kids.

They filled us full of false illusions and promiscuity, and they led us down that class-less road of mediocrity.

Low standards are a tactic that takes pressure off teachers' unions by accepting mediocrity and failure for kids.

A talent somewhat above mediocrity, shrewd and not too sensitive, is more likely to rise in the world than genius.

In life, it's between choosing risk and striving for greatness, or risking nothing and being certain of mediocrity

I always wanted to be commander-in-chief of my one-woman army, But I can envision the mediocrity of my finest hour.

There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaking.

Diligence is a very great help even to a mediocre intelligence. -Diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium

Today we've learned to celebrate mediocrity. Back in the day we had creative artists; today we have created artists.

You know you've reached a new plateau of group mediocrity when even a Canadian is alarmed by your lack of individuality.

Be it at JNU or any institute, students want India to shine. They want the country to get rid of mediocrity and hypocrisy.

Creative Artists Agency put together a project of extraordinary mediocrity and colossal stupidity. Otherwise, it was great.

Be great at what you do, and don't ever settle for mediocrity or else you will always wonder how great you could have been.

Channel your emotion into the excellence of doing something rather than the mediocrity of deciding whether or not to do it.

People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.

Private-equity and hedge-fund guys typically come into a situation of mediocrity, where rapid change may result in a profit.

There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite.

They say misery loves company, but so does mediocrity. Don't let the limiting beliefs of OTHERS limit what's possible for YOU.

We have these ambitions that are very hard to accomplish because life puts us in our place. We have this battle with mediocrity.

Craft' gets a bad rap. Mediocre art is not caused by craft; it is caused by artists. Good art employs whatever craft works best.

You know, larger than life is always better than smaller than life in politicians. And, you know, God save us from mediocrities.

We have been stuffed full of praise for mediocrity and had our foibles diagnosed away with hyphenated jargon and pop psychology.

Politicians fascinate because they constitute such a paradox; they are an elite that accomplishes mediocrity for the public good.

So many people live lives of silent mediocrity, convinced that what really matters to them is out of their reach. So they settle.

In the age of mediocrity and clones, John Stowell's uniqueness and originality are a breath of fresh air. I love playing with him.

Moderation assures mediocrity -- nice, safe. Mediocrity is for the mediocre -- simple, okay. The intense rule; the mediocre follow.

In any area of human endeavour, there is going to be mediocrity. You're going to find people who get money that they shouldn't get.

Nothing is as approved as mediocrity, the majority has established it and it fixes its fangs on whatever gets beyond it either way.

There is a downside to affordable technology, and that's mediocrity. I mean, just 'cause you can afford it don't mean you can do it.

Don’t be intimidated by other people’s opinions. Only mediocrity is sure of itself, so take risks and do what you really want to do.

Competition is always a good thing. It forces us to do our best. A monopoly renders people complacent and satisfied with mediocrity.

Mediocrity was the dominating element of big conglomerates and, in the new digital age, digitalization goes exactly after mediocrity.

In business, what distinguishes leaders from laggards and greatness from mediocrity is the ability to uniquely imagine what could be.

By and large, talent is in such short supply that mediocrity can be taken for brilliance rather more than genius can go undiscovered.

Our literature, despite several false starts that promised much, is chiefly remarkable, now as always, for its respectable mediocrity.

Let America first praise mediocrity even, in her children, before she praises... the best excellence in the children of any other land.

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