I react very badly when mediocrity throws a tantrum of entitlement.

Be the best, but get ready to be attacked. Only mediocrity is safe.

Indiscriminate pursuit of perfection infallibly leads to mediocrity.

Virtue is defined to be mediocrity, of which either extreme is vice.

Mediocrity is always invisible until passion shows up and exposes it.

A brand new mediocrity is thought more of than accustomed excellence.

. . .nothing could eclipse the stain of his dirty, mortal mediocrity.

We only rise above mediocrity when there's something at stake. p. 174

Mediocrity obtains more with application than superiority without it.

Mediocrity in politics is not to be despised. Greatness is not needed.

Go after what you want as if your life depended on it. Because it Does!

If you're an artist and you're on Twitter, you are doomed to mediocrity.

A fiery, good beginner always stands higher than a master in mediocrity.

Mediocrity's easy, the good things take time, the great need commitment.

Everyone wants a prodigy to fail; it makes our mediocrity more bearable.

It's a sign of mediocrity when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation.

The only way to get out of mediocrity is to keep shooting for excellence.

Nobody rises above mediocrity unless they use the brains of other people.

When you have had a taste of excellence, you cannot go back to mediocrity.

Once genius is submerged by bureaucracy, a nation is doomed to mediocrity.

We mistrust anything that too strongly challenges our ideal of mediocrity.

A quiet mediocrity is still to be preferred before a troubled superfluity.

Democracy is always, by nature and constitution, the triumph of mediocrity.

Pat answers to complex problems are the hallmark of intellectual mediocrity

There is no greater path to mediocrity in life than trying to be realistic.

I've always sworn that not having enough money has saved me from mediocrity.

Once you start compromising your thoughts, you're a candidate for mediocrity.

Excellence implies striving for the highest standards in every phase of life.

'Good enough' stopped being good enough a long time ago. so why not be great?

Leaders set high standards. Refuse to tolerate mediocrity or poor performance.

It's always the same: mediocrities are over-valued and great men are rejected.

Only mediocrities rise to the top in a system that won't tolerate wave making.

It takes more energy to maintain mediocrity than it takes to pursue excellence.

It is a lack of commitment, not a lack of talent, that damns you to mediocrity.

Perseverance - a lowly virtue whereby mediocrity achieves an inglorious success.

Cherish your friends and family as if your life depended on it. Because it does.

In an age of militant mediocrity, an 'extremist' is anyone who takes a position.

Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

Over and over again mediocrity is promoted because real worth isn't to be found.

To encourage excellence is to go beyond the encouraged mediocrity of our society

Something deep in the human heart breaks at the thought of a life of mediocrity.

That Monica who's just gonna sit there in mediocrity... That Monica died in Samoa

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.

He probably was mediocre after all, though in a very honorable sense of that word.

Minds of moderate caliber ordinarily condemn everthing which is beyond their range.

Never let the limitations or insecurities of others limit what is possible for you.

The history of an art is the history of masterwork, not of failures, or mediocrity.

I do respond well to a director, a teacher - someone who doesn't accept mediocrity.

I love to be challenged, and I'm never sitting comfortable in the mediocrity chair.

Fatigue is the price of leadership. Mediocrity is the price of never getting tired.

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