Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius.

Being realistic is the quickest path to mediocrity

The present reeks of mediocrity and the atom bomb.

The imitator dooms himself to hopeless mediocrity.

I think we live in an age of increasing mediocrity.

To the mediocre, mediocrity is a form of happiness.

Mediocre men often have the most acquired knowledge

In the republic of mediocrity, genius is dangerous.

Trying to be cool is the easiest path to mediocrity

Elitism is the slur directed at merit by mediocrity.

They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity.

The status quo is leaving the building, and quickly.

Literature is air, and Im suffocating in mediocrity.

Communism is exploitation of the strong by the weak.

Mediocrity makes the most of its native possessions.

The signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency.

Mediocrity has a way of keeping demons from the door.

Imitation is the homage mediocrity pays to greatness.

Literature is air, and I'm suffocating in mediocrity.

Mediocrity can talk, but it is for genius to observe.

Mediocrity requires aloofness to preserve its dignity.

Merely to have survived is not an index of excellence.

Mediocrity's like a spot on a shirt—it never comes off.

Mediocrity is excellent to the eyes of mediocre people.

The world is a republic of mediocrities, and always was.

Only mediocrity can be trusted to be always at its best.

As a homosexual, my job is simply to sodomize mediocrity.

Caricature is the tribute which mediocrity pays to genius.

The world doesn't need any more mediocrity or hedged bets.

Mediocrity is more dangerous in a critic than in a writer.

Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.

Indifference is the revenge the world takes on mediocrities.

The tendency of democracies is, in all things, to mediocrity.

The tendency of democracies is, in all things, to mediocrity.

To punish failure is yet another way to encourage mediocrity.

It is a great sign of mediocrity to praise always moderately.

I try to keep an open mind but I'm so tired of the mediocrity.

Fame can take interesting men and thrust mediocrity upon them.

Mediocrity will never do. You are capable of something better.

Mediocrity is not allowed to poets, either by the gods or men.

Crimes can be redeemed, but nothing saves you from mediocrity.

We shouldn't accept mediocrity as the best a politician can do.

Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocrities.

Reality shows have a lot to answer for. They applaud mediocrity.

An artist would not rise above the mediocrity if he condemns it.

Any sort of pretension induces mediocrity in art and life alike.

There is no gap as wide as the one between mediocrity and genius.

Don't settle for mediocrity; never let good enough be good enough.

I just cannot take mediocrity. I just cannot take it on any level.

You don't have to settle. It's a choice you get to make every day.

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