The media simply does not understand Econ 101.

Yes, the mainstream media is painfully biased.

Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.

Young people are so often dissed by the media.

Social Media are tools, Real Time is a mindset.

So, I get a kick out of working with the media.

Before social media, we shouted at our TV sets.

Advertisers are very wary of ideological media.

The media is either our salvation or our death.

We could move catalog, if he'd only die quicker.

Formula 1 would be a paradise without the media.

The media cause more problems than they do good.

Education is civil defence against media fallout.

I think the media's a little frightened of women.

We need a free media, not just freedom of speech.

I'm whispering so that the media doesn't hear me.

Surely the glory of journalism is its transience.

I don't enjoy being on social media or at events.

Illusion I will be, for I've never been a sinner.

The American media wants to pump you full of fear.

Media access to us is more regulated than in golf.

Anyone who ghettoizes any form of media is a fool.

Content is the fire. Social media is the gasoline.

This is God's world this is not the media's world.

You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war.

Social media is where losers go to feel important.

The money in politics is a cash cow for the media.

I think the media argues all the time with itself.

Take down those naked pictures of Ernest Borgnine.

In this age of fiberglass, I'm searching for a gem.

Social media is an influence but with my own twist!

Social media has made the web all about me, me, me.

I was in a profession that received a lot of media.

I don't like the American media - particularly Fox.

I'm a member of the media. I'm America's Anchorman.

But, we didn't have all the media that we do today.

Social media is the ultimate canary in the coal mine

Life is like walking through snow: every step shows.

I don't want to be involved in endless media gossip.

I don't spend most of my life in front of the media.

Online media is increasingly influential in fashion.

The media builds you up, and then it tears you down.

I think a movie is a media that is evoking feelings.

I've never really had a media edifice supporting me.

You say your image is new, but it looks well tested.

Well, thank God for a media that will ask questions.

Two of the people I don't care about: fans or media.

I cover media people the way they cover politicians.

Jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the mule.

Social media allows big companies to act small again.

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