I slept with my gold medal.

I'm chasing that gold medal.

I'm going to win a gold medal.

I want to win a gold medal in London.

My only aim is to win an Olympic medal.

At Oracle, silver medal is first loser.

I have two hands. I can hold two medals.

I wished for just one medal as a junior.

I've always dreamed of an Olympic medal.

I don't know where my first gold medal is.

Who wouldn't be thankful for another medal?

Men went mad and were rewarded with medals.

I am going to Rio with a chance of a medal.

Everybody expects me to win the gold medal.

And I know what confidence medals can bring.

I won my tournament. I won the Silver Medal.

A gold medal at the Olympics is hard to top.

I worked hard to complete my medal collection.

It's an honor to be awarded the Liberty Medal.

Getting to the Olympic Games was my gold medal.

My goal is definitely a gold medal still in Rio.

I take a lot of pride in my first '92 gold medal.

I'm proud of my medals. I always was proud of them.

I want to play for my country and win a gold medal.

As long as I get a medal, I'm okay with sharing it.

You don't just go and pick up a gold medal anymore.

Winning an Olympic gold medal is like nothing else.

It's kind of like I won a gold medal with my family.

Everything I do is for a gold medal for this country.

You know I am an actor, and I have medals for diction.

We can't all win Olympic medals. Even I never won one.

Anything other than a gold medal will be disappointing.

I've been dreaming of winning gold medal in the Olympics.

When a player cheats, you can't have a gold medal, right?

President Bush bestowed the Congressional Medal on myself.

Every medal I have won is a story of a difficult struggle.

All that work you put in, it's so worth it to win a medal.

I want to get another Olympic medal outside the team event.

I had four gold medals, but you can't eat four gold medals.

I'll spend time playing 'Call of Duty' and 'Medal of Honor.'

On no further occasion present a flag or medal to an Indian.

Coming in as a veteran, I'd like to finish with a gold medal.

Army Specialist Bradley Manning deserves a medal, not prison.

Winning that team-pursuit Olympic gold medal was unbelievable.

Rankings aren't that important to me. I want a winners' medal.

There is no greater medal than to be acclaimed for your style.

I would be so proud to finish my career with a European medal.

I never won a Vezina Trophy until I won the Olympic gold medal.

I think the mental victory is worth it as much as a gold medal.

The only medal that I am certain I deserved is the Purple Heart.

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