I want to keep doing projects that speak for people within the community and tell different types of meaningful stories.

Working in Washington, trying to make a difference, that was a very meaningful time for me, a period of personal growth.

What we believe at Quantic Dream is that there is a space for adult games: meaningful experiences for a mature audience.

Our most meaningful conversations go on late at night when we're on the phone with our friends or talking to our lovers.

We need to discuss the basis of a new form of trust built on a meaningful form of citizenship appropriate for a republic.

Meeting people in a genuine way and feeling like there is a vital and meaningful connection going on makes me come alive.

Comedy doesn't really have any meaning without sadness. The most meaningful comedy comes from some really serious pathos.

I have a lot of cultural references that have amassed in my brain like shrapnel over the years that are meaningful to me.

Living in a chronic state of unawareness can cause us to miss much of what is most beautiful and meaningful in our lives.

I look forward to meaningful roles that provide me an opportunity to perform, even if I appear only in a couple of scenes.

Some people make your life better by walking into it while other people make your life better by simply walking out of it.

Be willing to be where you actually are. In my experience, that is the most inherently meaningful experience you can have.

The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competition, is to do an outstanding job with information.

I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars; there's a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that.

Some of us do so much to make others happy. Sad thing is, some of us dont even know someone that would do the same for us.

Violence, whether spiritual or physical, is a quest for identity and the meaningful. The less identity, the more violence.

the world is neither meaningful, nor absurd. it quite simply is, and that, in any case, is what is so remarkable about it.

Humans can really reveal themselves through what they choose to see as the most important or meaningful detail in an image.

The most magical moments for me come from the little ones in elementary school. They ask adorable and meaningful questions.

We're all posting and clicking and sharing, but we're not devoting enough attention to get anything meaningful from it all.

The truth is, if what we choose to do with our lives won't make a story meaningful, it won't make a life meaningful either.

This is my one and only life and it's a great and terrible and short and endless thing and none of us come out of it alive.

You know give me choices that are truly different from one another, otherwise they don't regard them as meaningful choices.

The most meaningful and spiritual prayers I have experienced contained many expressions of thanks and few, if any, requests.

The relationships I've had with my girl friends are so powerful and meaningful. Without them I truly don't know what I'd do.

I used to think that prizes were damaging and divisive, until I got one, and now they seem sort of meaningful and important.

I'm so honored to have been a part of something so meaningful that helped to keep so many families and loved ones connected.

Vigor is contagious, and whatever makes us either think or feel strongly adds to our power and enlarges our field of action.

In my view, airstrikes without an effective ground force are unlikely to make any meaningful contribution to defeating Isis.

Do silly things. Foolishness is a great deal more vital and healthy than our straining and striving after a meaningful life.

Having the chance to be able to fight for something really meaningful - races, championships - that's the absolute priority.

At some moment I did answer "Yes" to someone or something. And from that hour on I was certain that existence is meaningful.

I'm looking for conversations that will be meaningful with people that want to have meaningful connections with an audience.

Starting with the values that feel authentic to who you are can serve as a compass to find more meaningful, fulfilling work.

Compassion is one of the principal things that make our lives meaningful. It is the source of all lasting happiness and joy.

Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.

Our life is a manifestation, and we can very well make that manifestation beautiful and meaningful and have a good influence.

Instead of always asking yourself how to clear up your mental fog, learn to ask: "Can confusion know anything about clarity?"

The wise man, after learning something new, is afraid to learn anything more until he has put his first lesson into practice.

On Anzac Day, coffee and jokes with a Turk might be the most meaningful and fair dinkum dawn service you could possibly have.

I don't know if any genuine meaningful change could ever result from a song. It's kind of like throwing peanuts at a gorilla.

We have only the language for fun and miserable, and maybe we need language for deep and shallow, meaningful and meaningless.

In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.

I don't know if any genuine, meaningful change could ever result from a song. It's kind of like throwing peanuts at a gorilla.

That to fly requires chaotic, sometimes even violent passages--becomes a metaphor for all of life's most meaningful endeavors.

Energy is our most precious resource, for it is the means by which we transform our creative potential into meaningful action.

Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it bores everybody else, does you no good and doesn't solve any problems!

We cannot effect meaningful change if we become complacent, if we become comfortable with our own positions in the status quo.

Meaningful innovation can be an important catalyst in encouraging resilience in seniors, keeping them independent and engaged.

Christ came to transform us from never enough people - to more than enough people; that through his poverty we may become rich.

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