What does the Academy Award mean? I don’t think it means much of anything.

Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn't mean he lacks vision.

I love CNN. I love the Cartoon Network. I mean, I thought these things up.

To me, pain means you're pushing your body to give you everything its got.

Achieving it is not only the chief means of adding to your regular duties.

Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk on water?

Dare to do things worthy of imprisonment if you mean to be of consequence.

Pride is seldom delicate; it will please itself with very mean advantages.

but I had also learned that freedom of speech means freedom from rhetoric.

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea…does that mean that 1 enjoys it?

Just because you have long legs doesn't mean you'll be happy as a Rockette.

That means I’m not just here for the pretty parts. I’m here no matter what.

Being a person's true friend means endorsing the untruths he holds dearest.

Just because you make a good plan, doesn't mean that's what's gonna happen.

Every time I get an opponent - I mean, every time I get a chance, I’m home.

Does being a feminist mean that I believe that I'm as good as any man? Yes.

Just because a guy rings your bell, doesn't mean you have to toot his horn.

I'm up for it. Whatever it is. As long as it means I'll always be with you.

Big doesn't necessarily mean better. Sunflowers aren't better than violets.

Words are inaccurate pointers to reality and should by no means be trusted.

Canadians still spend so much time discussing what it means to be Canadian.

Being bullied means you’re special and that’s what I want all kids to know.

Choice means giving up something you want for something else you want more.

Becoming human means discovering our fullness and learning to live from it.

That's already been tried before only means the first attempt got it wrong.

When a man says he had pleasure with a woman he does not mean conversation.

Everything I touch seems destined to turn into something mean and farcical.

Each victory gained over oneself means new strength to gain more victories.

Mickey Mouse is, to me, a symbol of independence. He was a means to an end.

Just because you're not a drummer doesn't mean you don't have to keep time.

I mean, so what if it's a little dangerous? A one-armed kid is comedy gold.

Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change.

'Genius' which means transcendent capacity of taking trouble, first of all.

I'm always interested in how people use language to not say what they mean.

One's own surroundings means so much to one, when one is feeling miserable.

Political freedom means the absence of coercion of a man by his fellow men.

Some women are like elephants. I don't mean size, I mean they never forget.

As names that can mean things, I prefer spiritual to a lot of other things.

Equal means getting the same thing, at the same time and in the same place.

Suspicion is the companion of mean souls, and the bane of all good society.

To be enlightened doesn't mean you end up stupefied and unable to function.

If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed.

The important thing about "brave" is, it doesn't mean you're not terrified.

I don't see as it matters much how well you mean if it's harm you're doin'.

People are always nice; I never get anything mean said to me on the street.

A successful bloody revolution can only mean further misery for the masses.

If there's anything mean in a feller, a litter authority will bring it out.

To be compassionate in this hurting world means it will cost you something.

Those who make use of devotion as a means and end generally are hypocrites.

Tradition does not mean to look after the ash, but to keep the flame alive.

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