I suppose books mean more than people to me anyway

Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.

Animation means to invoke life, not to imitate it.

Good God, do you mean to say this place is a club?

To be amazing means you have to do amazing things.

When you get wet, it usually means something good.

Tomorrow, smile at a perfect stranger and mean it.

There is bound to be a regression toward the mean.

Mimicking the herd invites regression to the mean.

I worry about images. Images are what things mean.

Brexit means Brexit.The public made their verdict.

Sex is a conversation carried out by another means.

I mean, the problem is, I think I'm a great writer.

Our linear concept of time means nothing to nature.

By all means rid yourself of an impoverished faith.

Feminism means revolution and I am a revolutionist.

Just because I'm biased doesn't mean it's not true.

All types of riches should be amassed by all means.

Whatever your income, always live below your means.

To keep oneself safe does not mean to bury oneself.

Know what I mean? Eh, eh, Nudge nudge, Say no more?

Sometimes being a good friend means saying nothing.

Alone also means available for someone outstanding.

Truth only means something when it's hard to admit.

Art means: revealing God in everything that exists.

By luck I mean, when opportunity meets preparation.

Maybe being winged means being wounded by infinity.

You can only offend me if you mean something to me.

Radical simply means 'grasping things at the root.'

All money means to me is a pride in accomplishment.

We must pursue peaceful end through peaceful means.

What we don't understand we can make mean anything.

You do know when people say 'chic,' they mean thin.

The truth is, sex doesn't mean that much to me now.

How mad it is to summon grim death by means of war!

Yoga means to unite the limited with the unlimited.

Words, how little they mean when they are too late.

One must choose in all things a mean just and good.

It is always a problem to know what an image means.

How totally banal of you to ask what I really mean.

Tactics mean doing what you can with what you have.

Statistics is the art of lying by means of figures.

I like being around people that mean what they say.

Never take a solemn oath. People think you mean it.

Yeah, I get a death scene, but what does that mean?

The principle of realism means denial of the ideal.

3 "amnesty" didn't mean rewarding illegal behavior.

It's never been done doesn't mean it can't be done.

Focus does not mean saying yes, it means saying no.

Freedom means more than just struggling to survive.

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