I've often played very strong, flashy, kind of inadvertently mean women. I am not that way in my real life.

A man who means to think and write a great deal must, after six and twenty, learn to read with his fingers.

You can't trample infidels when you're a tortoise. I mean, all you could do is give them a meaningful look.

I don't know what people mean when they ask me whether I'm embracing my whiteness. Whiteness is ubiquitous.

The ethos of redemption is realied in self-mastery, by means of temperance, that is, continence of desires.

How can a people who do not mean to understand death hope to understand love, and who will sound the alarm?

People have every right to be offended -- but that doesn't mean they get to take away your right to offend.

Fairness is giving all people the treatment they earn and deserve. It doesn't mean treating everyone alike.

God will lead you into a deliverance where the means that delivers you will be those who would destroy you.

Variety of form and brilliancy of colour in the objects presented to patients are actual means of recovery.

Empowering means helping teams develop their skills and knowledge and supporting them to use their talents.

If we do not exert the right of eating our neighbor, it is because we have other means of making good cheer

Just because we believe the gospel is a life-and-death matter doesn't mean we have to act as if we're dead.

Genuine equality means not treating everyone the same, but attending equally to everyone’s different needs.

I want to try to counter what Donald Trump says because a lot of it is mean-spirited and would hurt people.

Everybody knows what love is in one way or another, and everybody has an answer of what love means to them.

The proper means of increasing the love we bear our native country is to reside some time in a foreign one.

Even if you fall on the runway, I wouldn't blame you. It would mean that we made a mistake in choosing you.

Fear of God failing us leads us to "cover for God." This means we ask, expect, and are satisfied with less.

I'm prepared to spend the rest of my life playing clubs, if that means I'm playing music that I believe in.

Sometimes love can mean letting go and loving each other from a distance. Maybe that's what you're feeling?

I'm a boys' girl! I come from an army background and I haven't known what being a 'good Indian girl' means.

If Miss means respectably unmarried, and Mrs. respectably married, then Ms. means nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

I didn’t mean now,” he protested. “I’m not going to raise the child. I’m having enough trouble with Rachel.

The Bible is not an end in itself, but a means to bring men to an intimate and satisfying knowledge of God.

The art of research [is] the art of making difficult problems soluble by devising means of getting at them.

No matter how much money, fame, and fortune you have, it doesn't mean sh** if it's not connected with love.

There are blessed intervals when I forget by one means or another that I am President of the United States.

Responsibility to self simply means to acknowledge inner truth-our imperfections and our power, our beauty.

A truly open mind means forcing our imaginations to conform to the evidence of reality, and not vice versa.

This is the man my mother lived for. My career means something now because I've worked with Robert Redford.

As I recall, this word's use means somewhere there is a tree that is now a - a two-legger. -Numair Salmalin

I think that the Democratic Party is a big tent, which means that there are positions I may not agree with.

Fear was given to man as a cautionary device to spare him pain; it is not mean to be cultivated and abused.

I mean, I think that - as an actress, in particular, I'm basically a fool, and I see the world upside down.

Just because I tread heavily on propriety's toes doesn't mean I can't play the game when it's of use to me.

I don't want to be that parent that puts my kids into what I think they should be in, you know what I mean?

The most important job of an editor is simplify, simplify simplify, and that usually means omitting things.

Lately I've heard rumors that the eagle may be lame. Just because I've been idle, don't mean that I'm tame.

All my experiments in Ahimsa have taught me that nonviolence in practice means common labour with the body.

Abligurition: an actual, if very obscure, English word, which means the spending of too much money on food.

That's what I mean by being bilingual: comfortable in your skin, comfortable with all parts of who you are.

Great music does not just make me feel good. It means something. It makes us understand. It makes us happy.

Words are such uncertain things, they so often sound well but mean the opposite of what one thinks they do.

For me, Buddhism is a psychology and a philosophy that provides a means, upayas, for working with the mind.

I create something that means something to me, to the world, and try to do my best. I can't fix everything.

Maybe but... if being impulsive means ruining other people's lives, then maybe I should just stay the same.

For many, 'rehearsing' means going over the words in your head. That's not good enough say the words aloud.

I think Ted Cruz is a very mean-spirited guy. You can see it from how the Republican Party responds to him.

It is an act of virtue to deceive and lie, when by such means the interest of the church might be promoted.

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