The publicity and hoopla was never important to me.

Management has never been the most important thing for me.

Genre, to me, is not all that important, and it never has been.

My fans are so important to me, and I would never want to disappoint them.

That was never on my radar, traffic stopping. It was never important to me.

I never let track define me. That's something that's really important to me.

I've never minded my kids watching any of the series I did. That's important to me.

I grew up with very little - so material things have never been that important for me.

That's important for me, to never just relax and be too comfortable with what you have.

I'll never be able to quantify how important 'Venus' was for me or my career. I ticked a huge box.

I never choose films because of its starcast - the director and the story are the most important factors for me.

I've never sat down and thought about the difference between plot and theme. To me, that's never been important.

To me, the most important thing is the script. I would never make a movie that I didn't write. I wouldn't know how to.

My grandparents knew it was important that I understood Christianity and the Bible. But they never took me to church; they sent me to church.

I would never remake something that was like 'The Godfather.' Things that are truly important to me, I could never remake or reboot, or whatever.

For me, it's really important when I go into a reading to not have any bias and so that's a big reason why I never know who I'm meeting or where I'm going.

What's important about me is that I really have, in ways I never could have foreseen when I was young, a writing career that's reached a lot of different places.

It's never occurred to me - and I don't know what right mixture of upbringing this was - that my opinion wasn't as important as the alpha males or that I shouldn't try or that I wasn't the funniest one in the room.

I'm not interested in awards. I never have been. I don't think they are important. Don't get me wrong, if somebody gives me a prize, I thank them as gratefully as I know how, because it's very nice to be given a prize. But I don't think that awards ought to be sought.

I've never been much of a computer guy at least in terms of playing with computers. Actually until I was about 11 I didn't use a computer for preparing for games at all. I was playing a bit online, was using the chess club mainly. Now, obviously, the computer is an important tool for me preparing for my games.

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