For me, honestly, I would like to play with Messi one day.

Can I go one day without somebody saying something negative about me?

I want to be M.V.P. one day. But for me, it's all about championships.

I went to the mosque one day, and it came to me, like, 'This is where I belong.'

I have a phrase I say: 'What the damn?' It's my favorite. It just came to me one day.

One day I got a phone call, and Johnny and Dee Dee asked me if I wanted to join their band. I said, 'Yeah.'

I was an accidental model. One day I was asked to me a model by a neighbor who was short on models. Then I got into TV.

One day, I received a mail from a female fan saying she had named a star after me. She even mailed me the certificate for it!

One day we are a hero, another day we are a zero. Without me, Cardiff would have gone bust. Because of my investment, we got promoted.

For me, my guilty pleasure is that if I don't want to do anything one day, I won't. I'll just sit around, not shower, hardly even eat, and just watch TV.

My agent said to me five years ago, 'Hugh, I can see one day you... if I had to plan a goal for you, it's for you to have the kind of career that Sinatra had.'

It took 10 months for me to learn to tie a lace; I must have howled with rage and frustration. But one day I could tie my laces. That no one can take from you. I profoundly distrust the pedagogy of ease.

I did a geography degree, and if you told me whilst I was ignoring my geography degree revision in order to watch another episode of '24' that one day I wouldn't need that geography degree and I'd actually be in '24,' I'd have been quite pleased, I think.

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