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I pledge tonight to be Mayor for all of the people of this city - for one Chicago.
I think it's fine when the mayor of the biggest city in Russia consults the president.
A mayor is a symbol and a public face of what a city bureaucracy provides its citizens.
So the mayor of New Orleans would have used his own buses had the people had been white?
If you elect a matinee idol mayor, you're going to have a musical comedy administration.
Portland needs a mayor who is going to take on the significant issues this city is facing.
Having been a mayor, we prioritized based on where we want our city and our country to go.
I've done eight years as mayor of London. I enjoyed it hugely; it was a massive privilege.
As a former mayor, I know that local governments must have control over land use decisions.
The true privilege of being Mayor is that I have the opportunity to be everyone's neighbor.
I could easily say that, for quite a long time before I became mayor, I had obeyed all laws.
The job of mayor of London is unbelievably taxing, particularly in the run-up to the Olympics.
For better or worse, when you're running for mayor, there's a little bit of a spotlight on you.
I want to make a city that can run smoothly with anyone in charge, even without a mayor in place.
I was about 15, 16 years old when my father first ran for mayor, and that's where I cut my teeth.
I am also a Kentucky Colonel and an Honorary Mayor of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, among other things.
As mayor I don't intend to be just a voice for Portland. I intend to be a voice for urban America.
I'm not going to become an MP and I'm not going to be London Mayor. I have no political ambitions.
My fight isn't with Charlie Hales. My fight is with the problems he has failed to address as mayor.
As Mayor, I will use my experience to make San Francisco a place where small businesses can thrive.
I think New York is destined to have a Democratic mayor, and I want Freddy Ferrer to be that mayor.
As mayor in an executive position, I have to dress more like an executive, which has been delightful.
Listen, if the mayor wants to have a debate about education in this city, I got three words: bring it on.
As the mayor of London, my highest priority is keeping Londoners and visitors to our city safe from harm.
Obviously as a mayor, I'm in competition with my neighboring cities as well as cities around the country.
I want to be known as the mayor who happens to be Latino who made a difference. I ran to make a difference.
You wouldn't believe how the town was named for me. I was met by the whole population, headed by the mayor.
I certainly didn't see the mayor's withdrawal coming. I was looking for a highly contested mayoral campaign.
Tonight - by taking this solemn oath - I am no longer a private citizen but the Mayor of the City of Chicago.
At a certain point, particularly in his third term, Mayor Bloomberg lost touch with the people he was serving.
I've been mayor for five years. I've led a city. And directed a police department. I know how to use resources.
I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities.
People tell me, 'You better lose weight if you want to run for mayor.' I said, 'I got the Chris Christie look.'
I can't be the Mayor of L.A. I hate the Dodgers. I'm a Yankee fan. Yankee fans can't ever root for the Dodgers.
Being the mayor of the third largest city in the country, that's humbling, but it also gives me incredible hope.
My father became the Mayor of Indian Wells, California, a tony desert enclave of rich, conservative Republicans.
I tell you very openly: it's much easier to be the heavyweight champion of the world than to be the mayor of Kiev.
Instead of doing what everybody else does and sue the city of Los Angeles, I decided I was going to run for mayor.
Korea has a long way to go before ending corruption. But Mayor Goh has certainly taken an important step toward it.
I was pretty successful before Sept. 11 and fully expected that when I left being mayor I would be very successful.
I've been a candidate for office at least eight times. A couple times for mayor, state representative, city council.
It would be thrilling, obviously, to be able to have a woman and an openly LGBT person as the mayor of New York City.
When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself it could be worse. I could be a mayor.
I believe my role as mayor is to be out in the community and as much as possible, I want my team out in the community.
Have you ever heard the expression 'one hot mess?' I think the term was custom-made for the mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford.
I got elected as the mayor of Philadelphia and yes I am black. But my responsibility is to all the citizens of the city.
I was Mayor of New York during a great Yankees dynasty. I got to preside over the city during four Yankees championships.
You don't have to be wealthy to run for mayor. I'm a Green Party candidate running for mayor and I'm being taken seriously.
I hope Paper Boi runs for president. I hope he does. Governor, mayor, senator, I hope he does it all. You better believe it.
Being mayor is about offering a vision for the city, putting the right people in the right place, and executing that vision.