Filled with her love, may I be rather grown Mad with much heart, than idiot with none.

May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong, may you stay forever young.

I am what I have always been: the last Renaissance man, if I may be allowed to say so.

One day you too may experience what I have experienced. So right away go and practise.

We may eventually come to realize that chastity is no more a virtue than malnutrition.

It may be true that the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless.

A false or misunderstood word may create as much disaster as a sudden thoughtless act.

Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.

You may not be able to do all you find out, but make sure you find out all you can do.

The more human beings proceed by plan the more effectively they may be hit by accident

[Rumors are a] vehicle for anxieties and aspirations that may not be openly expressed.

Older women are best because they always think they may be doing it for the last time.

Farewell! O Gandalf! May you ever appear where you are most needed and least expected!

Partisanship may be King in Washington - but the rest of us don't have to pay tribute.

The kitchen may not get cleaned, and I have to accept that. I do the important things.

You may not be responsible for being down, but you must be responsible for getting up.

Learn to live well, that thou may'st die so too; To live and die is all we have to do.

One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.

You may never know when things start to go bad, but when things are worse you know it.

When fate is got it in for you, there is no limit to what you may have to put up with.

I was a lousy hitter in May doing the same things that made me a great hitter in June.

While some part of the artwork may fail, the whole may have its own unique importance.

But sorrow is better than fear. For fear impoverishes always, while sorrow may enrich.

Some may study side by side, and yet be asunder when they come to the logic of things.

Never resign. There's always a chance your opponent may drop dead before he mates you.

Press on! for in the grave there is no work and no device. Press on! while yet you may.

Tools may limit the user, but the utility of tools is limited by the skill of the user.

What we can accomplish as good as it may be does not compare to what God can accomplish

Oh, doughty sons of Hungary! May all success Attend and bless Your warlike ironmongery!

To ask may be but a moment's shame, not to ask and remain ignorant is a lifelong shame.

May my life be like a great hospitable tree, and may weary wanderers find in me a rest.

If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is doing the thinking.

Who calls a lawyer rogue, may find, too lateUpon one of these depends his whole estate.

A generous person may not have wisdom: but, unlike others, he has the means to gain it.

Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it.

If we are unduly absorbed in improving our lives we may forget altogether to live them.

You may have the bishop pair but I have the ultimate advantage; I am the better player!

The roundness of life's design may be a sign that there is a presence beyond ourselves.

Our complexity is much more likely to lead us astray than any simplicity we may follow.

War may be an armed angel with a mission, but she has the personal habits of the slums.

Woo! It's so cold, I think we may be twin sisters now," he said through rattling teeth.

If you don't vote, then you may be leaving the decisions up to someone dumber than you.

The greatest danger of traditional education is that learning may remain purely verbal.

... strange things may be generally accounted for if their cause be fairly seached out.

What may appear as a towering peak to one may seem but an ordinary eminence to another.

If we love one another, nothing, in truth, can harm us, whatever mischances may happen.

The world may be full of fourth-rate writers but it's also full of fourth-rate readers.

We must, from here on in, all go down the same path... There may not be another chance.

Don't do things to not die, do things to enjoy living. The by-product may be not dying.

Laws should be interpreted in a liberal sense so that their intention may be preserved.

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