It doesn't matter how precisely the onion is cut as long as the person chewing it is happy.

The present no matter what I brought couldn’t change the past. The Past was set and sealed.

Anything we experience, no matter how challenging, can become an open pathway to awakening.

The only thing that will really matter at the end of your life is: Did you love completely?

As a writer, the most important thing for me is to continue to write, no matter where I am.

I know from experience that you should never give up on yourself or others, no matter what.

No matter what you do, if there's something you're afraid of, you need to break through it.

What we call matter is only a complex of energies which we find together in the same place.

No matter what you wear... to me, you will always have diamonds on the soles of your shoes.

France will always be France no matter what, but America involves striving toward an ideal.

It doesn't matter what the technology is - no one will watch a Peter Greenaway film anyway.

I learned that if you want to make it bad enough, no matter how bad it is, you can make it.

No matter what it is, if you aren't happy striving for it, you won't be happy achieving it.

No matter how exceptional your product, you won't benefit financially if you can't sell it.

The truth of the matter is the real industry is in LA and the cream of the talent is there.

Set aside those things that don't really matter and do something with eternal consequences.

No matter what the situation may be, I still take pleasure in witnessing the joy of others.

I have learned that in all negotiations nothing matters except the will to reach agreement.

Algebra goes to the heart of the matter at it ignores the casual nature of particular cases.

Guys want to be respected and acknowledged. They want to feel what they contributed matters.

But at least he can still see the lights below us. Although maybe for him it doesn't matter.

If relationships matter most then [at the end of our lives], shouldn't they matter most now?

I don’t care what gender someone is, or what race they are. Those things don’t matter to me.

It doesn't matter whether you shoot on celluloid or on digital, you better make a good film.

In the Yoga of Love we see that matter and spirit are one. It's only the ego that separates.

Circumstances form the character; but, like petrifying matters, they harden while they form.

There's no such thing as a good book or a bad book. There's a book that matters to a reader.

When people say, "I have nothing to hide," what they're saying is, "My rights don't matter."

When you have eliminated the impossible, what is left, no matter how unlikely, is the truth.

It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are: when you're sick, you want the exact same thing.

No matter what you do or say, there's nothing that you can do to make people understand you.

No man burdens his mind with small matters unless he has some very good reason for doing so.

It doesn't matter what it is that leaves a hole inside you. It just matters that it’s there.

The Bible's message is that you matter to God. Our response is that God should matter to us.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how dark the world gets. You can be saved by the smallest thing.

It doesn't matter what size you are. It matters how big your heart is and how smart you are.

value exists only where there is consciousness. Where nothing ever is felt, nothing matters.

The cure for advanced gullibility is to go to sleep and consider matters again the next day.

People can be only divided into good or bad; their race, religion, nationality don't matter.

No matter what the situation may be, there is always something positive you can do about it.

Go all the way with it. Do not back off. For once, go all the goddamn way with what matters.

Fashionably amusing table manners are a matter of breaking the right rule at the right time.

Never forgetting from where I came and no matter where I'm headed I promise to stay the same

Gifts and abilities, no matter how magnificent, are either limited or enhanced by character.

If a street has a spirit, no matter how narrow it is, we can breathe comfortably over there.

All painting, no matter what you are painting, is abstract in that it's got to be organized.

God cannot honor anything, no matter its degree of sincerity, if it is contrary to His Word.

It doesn't matter how many times you have failed.... What matters is the successful attempt.

No matter how old a mother is she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement.

It really doesn't matter to me whether a person has a lot of money or a little bit of money.

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