War is to man what maternity is to a woman

Bureaucracy gives birth to itself and then expects maternity benefits.

I'm a full-time mom. I've never felt as prepared, as before maternity.

My maternity leave will be a few weeks long and I'll work throughout it.

Maternity leave is for women to hide and heal their disintegrating body.

I have proposed maternity leave for mothers whose employers do not provide it.

The point of launching a maternity line, for me, was to do something different.

I had to learn how to not be a micro-manager. Maternity leave made me do that. I just couldn't anymore.

I think everybody is born pure. You never go to the maternity ward and hold a baby that has bad energy.

A 75-year-old man doesn't need maternity leave or maternity care. A young person doesn't need geriatric care.

I am no different from so many professionals who go on maternity leave only towards the end of their pregnancy.

I like to stay in the rhythm of things. My maternity leave will be a few weeks long, and I'll work throughout it.

Because women get more labor rights than men, meaning they get maternity leave, the employer prefers to hire men.

Maternity leave and parental leave is absolutely vital for strengthening families. It's an issue for men and women.

Maternity bras are the Alcatraz under-wear. If they were a door they'd have a mortise lock, a padlock and the rest.

It is a wrench when you have to go back to work after maternity leave, whether you've had two months or over a year.

As an expectant mom who is currently self-employed, I'm amazed at just how tied to the workplace maternity benefits are.

War is to man what maternity is to a woman. From a philosophical and doctrinal viewpoint, I do not believe in perpetual peace.

You don't have to just shop in the maternity section when you are pregnant - you can shop anywhere, just be shape and size savvy!

Hospitals are very extreme places - you can be in a maternity room one minute, and by someone's bedside as they're dying the next.

Voluntary paid maternity leave: yes; compulsory paid maternity leave: over this Government’s dead body, frankly. It just won’t happen.

Many of our problems in US maternity care stem from the fact that we leave no room for recognizing when nature is smarter than we are.

As for critics, one mediocre writer is more valuable than ten good critics. They are like haughty, barren spinsters lodged in a maternity ward.

I'm not taking maternity leave from 'Big Brother.' I e-mailed my boss over there this weekend and I said, 'Don't worry. I can still do the show!

What I've learnt is that being a midwife is not a job about cute babies. And as a maternity care assistant there's a lot of cleaning involved. It's a vocation.

My greatest mistake? I once took a three-day maternity leave. I had my daughter on a Wednesday, and then went back to the office on the Monday to sack a manager.

For women who have children, the economic difficulty of sustaining a life as an artist maybe makes it impossible. There's no maternity leave, there's no pension.

Ukip has policies including cutting taxes for the wealthy and putting them up for everyone else, charging people to see their GP, or taking away maternity rights.

Maternity is a glorious thing, since all mankind has been conceived, born, and nourished of women. All human laws should encourage the multiplication of families.

I took so many different things away from my maternity leave. It taught me to have more compassion for other people and to see every individual as someone's child.

I have two pairs of stretchy maternity leggings and jeans, which I will never give up, because once you experience an elastic band for a waist, you will never go back.

Look at Gwyneth Paltrow and my favourite, Kate Winslet. No one ever says, 'Oh, she's making a comeback.' To my mind, I just went on maternity leave and reported back to work.

The respect and protection of woman and of maternity should be raised to the position of an inalienable social duty and should become one of the principles of human morality.

If salary is your most important consideration, make sure you don't take too much time off beyond the allotted 12-14 weeks of maternity leave - and certainly don't leave altogether.

Isadore [Duncan], who had an un-American genius for art, for organizing love, maternity, politics and pedagogy on a great personal scale, had also an un-American genius for grandeur.

While I am a pro-life woman, I am also a woman who is concerned about rights for the disabled, maternity leave, the death penalty, health care, domestic violence, breastfeeding rights, etc.

Before Obamacare, only 12% of individual insurance plans covered maternity plans. Even without that important benefit, women were charged up to 48% more than men for the same benefit package.

I wanted a maternity dress, but I couldn't find anything I liked. Everything was abominable. So I made one. Then I made a pullover. 'Elle' put it on the cover. Then WWD elected me the Queen of Knitwear.

There are disparities in accessing quality maternity health care in most every country, and most all health systems could and must be improved upon if we want to create healthy families who will thrive.

Working from home or going on maternity leave is no excuse to let go of your look. The more you schlep around in drawstring pants and tees, the less you're going to be able to pull yourself together when necessary.

I would love to design a maternity clothing line. It is so hard to find stylish clothes for pregnant people... I would say 99 percent of the clothes I wore were not maternity because I couldn't find anything I liked.

We do need sculpture. People always say: 'Well, that sculpture could have paid for a cot in a maternity ward.' But if the world had been run on those lines, there'd only be about four books, and they'd be seed-drill manuals.

In German science, we have a special problem. We lose talented women at the time they get pregnant. Some of it occurs because they are encouraged - by their husbands, bosses and the government - to take long maternity leaves.

There have been a lot of technical advances in the bra industry over the years, (such as those with Cellophane straps that are supposed to look as if you're not wearing them), but the maternity bra is still stuck in the 1940s.

I was so intent as a young lawyer on beating the men at their own game that I didn't take any real maternity leave with my three younger children. It is only looking back that I realise I wasn't beating the system but reinforcing it.

I'm hugely fond of Scotland. My daughter, Jemma, was born in the Simpson Memorial Maternity Hospital in Edinburgh, and it always tickled me that she was so vexed she didn't have a Scottish accent even though she was brought up down south.

I demand for the unmarried mother, as a sacred channel of life, the same reverence and respect as for the married mother; for Maternity is a cosmic thing and once it has come to pass, our conversation must not be permitted to blaspheme it.

And under Obamacare, insurance companies can no longer discriminate against women. Before, some wouldn't cover women's most basic needs, like contraception and maternity care, but would still charge us up to 50 percent more than men - for a worse plan.

I envisage there being absolutely no regulation whatsoever - no minimum wage, no maternity or paternity rights, no unfair dismissal rights, no pension rights - for the smallest companies that are trying to get off the ground, in order to give them a chance.

And in the future, you know, maybe there's kids in the future for me, I don't really know. The interesting thing with me is that there has never been a woman doing what I'm doing at this level for this long. So, it's like, would Vince give me maternity leave?

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