On game days, I'm pretty boring: I like to rest and watch TV with my legs up so I'm not on my feet too much before the match.

Pakistan will never be able to match the Indian militarily, and the effort to do so is taking an immense toll on the society.

Whether a player has played one match or a hundred, we should give him respect for what he has achieved and leave it at that.

I'm a guy of 92kg. I haven't got the physique of someone who can work back and then sprint up front again throughout a match!

I started wrestling when I was five. I lost my first match and cried in front of my dad, and I never wanted to do that again.

He is senseless who would match himself against a stronger man; for he is deprived of victory and adds suffering to disgrace.

A political party is about an ideology. And I don't think my goals in politics can match the ideology of any political party.

Rich Swann is probably the only guy who's more charismatic among this whole bunch than me, and I think it showed in our match.

I think white socks are best with dope kicks, gives a nice clean look to match. Printed socks are okay but sometimes too much.

There's a misconception that you have to match your shoes and your bag. It can be so cool to add a patterned or off-color heel.

It's always good to win a Test match and if you win it comfortably, it can leave a few psychological marks on opposition sides.

My father started with nothing and is a self-made man. No matter what I do with my life, I can never match his accomplishments.

It can be difficult playing friends. But you also have to know that it's a match, and this is what you do. And you do your best.

Sometimes I take a while to get ready to go out. It's not excessive, but it takes me some time to find clean clothes that match.

One of my goals is to have a base near mainland China. I think Hong Kong would be a good match for me. I like being in Hong Kong.

It doesn't take a lot of preparation for the Rumble compared to how you would prepare for a match where it's you and another guy.

I just want to make sure that I give the animators everything they need, so they have plenty of choices to match their animation.

The game has changed since the '80s, where you could punch and kick and headlock and do one suplex, and that's a 25 minute match.

A dream match, for me, would be to bring Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman to the Hardy compound and face them in the Beastly Deletion.

Probably the biggest thing for me was my Wrestlemania match getting cut; I don't think I ever really mentally recovered from that.

Look, I was a water carrier, I don't reject my image. I didn't have the pretension to think that I could change a match by myself.

If you're not just a little bit nervous before a match, you probably don't have the expectations of yourself that you should have.

I knew I could never match my father as a violinist, and there were already four generations of outstanding cellists in the family.

For me, decorating perfection means eclectic styles and collections of beautiful things like pottery, pillboxes and match strikers.

Most salespeople would like to think of themselves as being rock stars, but they don't display the talent to match their definition.

Bring me men to match my mountains: Bring me men to match my plains: Men with empires in their purpose and new eras in their brains.

I played my first match aged six. Neither my opponent nor I knew how to score, so our parents had to help us out from the sidelines.

The derby is always the most important match of the year and it's always nice to score goals against the leaders and the best teams.

Everything I've designed is intended not to match perfectly but to sit together in harmony, to add flair and personality to any room.

I know how to make the difference. When I make the difference, I often do it at the end of the match, and that shows that I am fresh.

When I get the questions, I answer what I can answer. If they ask me about the match, I cannot really say that I like eating bananas.

When you're in a tag match, like, you have this tag partner, and you make it known that you have this partner that you can work with.

There was no match for Barry White. His music is just going to live forever. It's not limited to disco or soul or hip-hop or anything.

After they lose, I think all tennis players go back to a specific part of the match where they wish they had done something different.

The truth is that you shouldn't match your insides to other people's outsides. Life is an inside job, and we just have to do our best.

The main thing is just really to play my game... and while you are playing the match, as it goes along, you kind of figure things out.

No Tinder, no Match, nothing. I don't mind going up to people when I'm out. I have a better chance of getting a read on them that way.

I don't go into a game with specific targets. I don't pinpoint an opposing player before a match, trying to exploit a kind of weakness.

My old coach used to say that if you were in it for the match, if you were in it for the trophies, you were in it for the wrong reasons.

Test cricket is a different sort of cricket altogether. Some players who are good for one-day cricket may be a handicap in a Test match.

Together, with technology as an enabler, we can help our veterans find meaningful civilian careers that match their skills and interest.

When the music and the characters are flawlessly synchronized, the opera develops an emotional force that movies and plays cannot match.

Sure, cricket on a beach on the isle of Jura is different from a Test match in a stadium in Galle, 6000 miles away, despite the sea air.

Life is like a wrestling match: a lot of times, things are looking good, and then something happens, and you're fighting from underneath.

The Way of an enlightened ruler is to make it so that no minister may make a proposal and then fail to match it with actions and results.

I was just lucky to be a part of this phenomenon of Indian cinema. Perhaps no other film can ever match the magic and awe of 'Baahubali.'

My first few years, I'd make maybe $10 for a match. Sometimes I wouldn't even get paid at all, but we were all in it because we loved it.

It typically takes multiple iterations and pivots to find product/market fit - the match between what you're building and who will buy it.

There are as many worlds as there are kinds of days, and as an opal changes its colors and its fire to match the nature of a day, so do I.

Electronic communications networks match trades between investors directly, without using a market maker or specialist as an intermediary.

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