As a walled town is more worthier than a village, so is the forehead of a married man more honorable than the bare brow of a bachelor.

Why would a married couple that lives together every day need to date each other? It's precisely because they live and sleep together.

I don't believe in marriage. It's bloody impractical. 'To love, honor, and obey.' If it weren't, you wouldn't have to sign a contract.

Biographers know nothing about the intimate sex lives of their own wives, but they think they know all about Stendhal's or Faulkner's.

If there were no immortality there would be no need for temples. There would be no need for eternal marriage if there were no eternity.

I am a strict monogamist: it is twenty years since I last went to bed with two women at once, and then I was in my cups and not myself.

Banks have a new image. Now you have 'a friend,' your friendly banker. If the banks are so friendly, how come they chain down the pens?

A constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage is a form of gay bashing and it would do nothing to protect traditional marriages.

I'm most proud of the longevity of my marriage, my kids, and my grandchildren. If you don't have that, you really don't have very much.

I don't care how handsome or fabulous or funny the groom is, or how sweet and accommodating the bride, or vice versa. Marriage is hard.

Everything in life is a lesson and I have learned from each marriage. Yes, I've made mistakes but every experience is a learning curve.

Long-term relationships are an everyday choice. It's harder to be in a marriage than it is to bounce from one relationship to the next.

The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.

In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage.

Going home, it's what everybody's trying to do from the day they're born to the day they die, but going home together - that's marriage.

Before marriage, a man will lie awake thinking about something you said; after marriage , he'll fall asleep before you finish saying it.

But I had not quite fixed whether to make him [Don Juan] end in Hell-or in an unhappy marriage,-not knowing which would be the severest.

Making sensible family rules around cell phones and driving is a way to love yourself, your marriage, your children, and the world well.

I think that two people who decide to live together in a marriage situation, they have an obligation to make the marriage work for them.

I am none of those nonsensical fools that can whine and make romantic love--I leave that to younger brothers. Let my estate speakfor me.

Show me one couple unhappy merely on account of their limited circumstances, and I will show you ten who are wretched from other causes.

To seduce a woman famous for strict morals, religious fervor and the happiness of her marriage: what could possibly be more prestigious?

Why get married? For human beings, marriage is such an unnatural state. If you want monogamy, it has been said, you should marry a swan.

A sacrament--like marriage--means living a life better than your natural instincts, so that you're modeling God. And God never gives up.

Marriage is that relation between man and woman in which the independence is equal, the dependence mutual, and the obligation reciprocal.

When thou choosest a wife, think not only of thyself, but of those God may give thee of her, that they reproach thee not for their being.

Sooner or later they are going to live in a New York City where gay marriage is not only legal, it is common, and they don’t even notice.

The absolute yearning of one human body for another particular body and its indifference to substitutes is one of life's major mysteries.

My friends, they get married at 15 years old. I saw them with bruises on their faces. I realized this is the real face of child marriage.

The social relations which are the basis of the reproduction of the species are founded upon the continuous union of parents in marriage.

Our lives should be more than just focusing on our marriage but on focusing our marriage toward what God's mission is for us as a couple.

The highest happiness on earth is marriage. Every man who is happily married is a successful man even if he has failed in everything else.

Marriage is a very sacred institution and should not be degraded by allowing every other type of relationship to be made equivalent to it.

Advising Mrs. Harris was the least I could do," David said smoothly. "After all, she was the one who brought me and my late wife together.

Marriage is not all rainbows and butterflies; you have to give in to your partner's whims every now and then, and that's a two-way street.

I'm not that big a fan of marriage as an institution and I don't know why women need to have children to be seen as complete human beings.

Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's a real treat.

I kind of go back and forth about marriage and kids. I feel like, if it's an organic way for me and the right time in my life, then, yeah.

My lover asks me: “What is the difference between me and the sky?” The difference, my love, Is that when you laugh, I forget about the sky

A marriage, even one that goes awry, generates claims and needs that persist like an afterglow long after the emotional fire is burned out.

We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations - we're doing everything we can to keep our marriage together.

I never looked at my parents' marriage or really anyone who had been married more than 30 years and thought, 'I gotta get me some of that!'

Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage. This I tell ya, brother, you can't have one without the other.

The seeds of a happy marriage are sown in youth. Happiness does not begin at the altar; it begins during the period of youth and courtship.

Above all never forget that a marriage is in one way very much like a newspaper. It has to be made fresh every damn day of every damn year.

I spent most of my life from 24 to 31 at the office. I wasn't going to people's weddings; I wasn't cultivating my marriage. I wasn't happy.

Denying that the issue of marriage equality has changed is being on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of love and commitment.

My mom and my dad were married 56 years, and the fact that I reconciled with my dad I think made their marriage a little bit better as well.

When the rose and the cross are united the alchemical marriage is complete and the drama ends. Then we wake from history and enter eternity.

I'd marry again if I found a man who had fifteen million dollars, would sign over half to me, and guarantee that he'd be dead within a year.

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