I know that half of my advertising dollars are wasted ... I just don't know which half.

Oh, we don't have a grandiose marketing plan. We sell products that work, that we like.

I’d rather apologize than to be so timid as to never try to do anything smart or brave.

Genre boundaries are good for marketing but they all but disappear when you're a player.

We wanted a pet food based on sound scientific principles and truth, not marketing hype.

We have reached a strange new place in marketing when tweets become full-page print ads.

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.

Real time is a new mindset in marketing, and that's what inbound marketing is all about.

The stories that spread today empower us and give us belief in our own heroic potential.

Content pays an ongoing information annuity that other forms of marketing simply do not.

To trust agents, hyperlinks are the twenty-first-century equivalent of the name-dropper.

Marketing tells a story that spreads. Sales overcomes the natural resistance to say yes.

I'd rather spend money on things that improve the customer experience than on marketing.

You've probably got a device on you that can shoot decent video, so what's stopping you?

In marketing you must choose between boredom, shouting and seduction. Which do you want?

Twitter is not a technology. It's a conversation and it's happening with or without you.

Booking.com has been very good at performance marketing. That's how we grew our business.

Man does not only sell commodities, he sells himself and feels himself to be a commodity.

The thought of the word church and the word marketing in the same sentence makes me sick.

I came from years and years in the direct marketing industry where everything is layered.

You can't just place a few "Buy" buttons on your website and expect your visitors to buy.

Vicente Fox beat the PRI by gambling on a simple formula: Marketing + Money = Presidency.

Their marketing strategy had to be changed to the young people. That's who buys the beer.

Take some initiative and snap outside of passivity; consistent small actions have impact.

Anticipated, personal, and relevant advertising always does better than unsolicited junk.

The theory of marketing is solid but the practice of marketing leaves much to be desired.

No matter what, the very first piece of Social Media Real Estate I'd start with is a blog.

I went to school for marketing for one year before I dropped out of college to make music.

I think Warner Bros. are probably some of the best people in marketing films in the world.

Marketing executives like big budgets, as big budgets make it easier to grow the top line.

I never think about the audience. If someone gives me a marketing report, I throw it away.

Part of why you love your parents is because they loved you first. Brands need to do that.

Customers can't always tell you what they want, but they can always tell you what's wrong.

Successful social media marketing is not built on impressions. It is built on relationships

Marketing has always been about the same thing - who your customers are and where they are.

I never hired a PR agency in my life, nor do I believe in promoting and marketing my films.

Market-driven design builds the success of the product's marketing into the product itself.

You want to understand the smallest feature set customers will pay for in the first release.

Business is not about money. It's about making dreams come true for others and for yourself.

Sustainable fishing is a fraud. It's a marketing term that really means 'business as usual.'

Nine out of ten businesses fail; so I came up with a foolproof plan - create ten businesses.

Relying too much on proof distracts you from the real mission–which is emotional connection.

Amazon has well passed any expectations of its ability to change distribution and marketing.

We're obviously going to spend a lot in marketing because we think the product sells itself.

If you create great content, huzzah. But if it doesn't move anywhere, you're not succeeding.

You have to understand as a marketer that consumers are functioning in the age of efficiency.

Low price is a great way to sell a commodity. That's not marketing though, that's efficiency.

If you're an artist who's built on marketing and hype then most likely I won't listen to you.

I started my career as an assistant for Wu-Tang Clan, then transitioned into urban marketing.

Marketing is the set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating exchanges.

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