Market share is key.

It's very challenging to carve back market share.

We don't have a monopoly. We have market share. There's a difference.

There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.

We are not willing to compromise our values in order to increase our market share.

When you improve your product so it does the customer's job better, then you gain market share.

WWE is the 8,000 pound gorilla in the room, and the market share they have is north of 90 percent.

I think the wonderful thing about vi is that it has such a good market share because we gave it away.

In markets such as the US, China, we want to continuously improve our products and services to win market share.

When you start losing market share, it's really tough to gain it back; you need the product portfolio and presence in many markets.

When a market isn't in transition, gaining market share is hard - you're fighting to take one or two points of share from competitors.

Apple's market share is bigger than BMW's or Mercedes's or Porsche's in the automotive market. What's wrong with being BMW or Mercedes?

Just as a company needs a strategy to capture market share, a company needs a strategy to encourage actions that reflect their core values.

The second you get set in your ways is the second a newer, fresher, more innovative company is going to come in and take your market share.

India is a large market where our focus will be to grow faster than the market and add few percentage points to our market share every year.

The Republican Party views Hispanics in terms of market share: Who are they? How do we reach them? Democrats still view us in terms of quotas.

There's a lot of businesses that are working hard, who are at the top of their games. Therefore, it's always going to be a market share fight.

From my point of view, my job is just to work hard for our franchisees, so they can maintain the position they're in, and to grow market share.

When you're a large company with significant market share, it's tempting to view market disruptions as a threat, but we view them as an opportunity.

You've got to figure out how you're going to come in and significantly impact and redefine a market such that you become a market share leader in it.

But any big change is more likely to result if there is a disruptive event such as new technologies or platforms that have a surprising effect on market share.

I couldn't have predicted the business would be worth so much. I could see that we would have this sort of market share, but I didn't realise the numbers would be so large.

When regulations restricting competition are relaxed, nobody's market share is protected. If telephone companies can offer video programming, cable revenue will surely drop.

The wireless segment is approximately 50 percent of our business... we believe this is an industry-wide phenomenon and that we are, in fact, maintaining if not gaining market share.

From the store windows, the store touch-points, the website, social media, or a magazine, it has to be one pure customer experience, not just to gain market share but to gain mind share.

When you focus solely on valuation and market share, you win some and you lose some. When you focus on the needs of your customers and help them achieve their dreams, you win every time.

In general, great companies prefer to grow 'organically,' as Wall Street likes to say. That is, from the inside out, by finding new markets or by taking market share from their competitors.

Cisco presents our biggest challenge in the firewall market for the fact that they have such a large percentage of market share. Displacement of an entrenched incumbent is always a challenge.

The dynamic with social is you tend not to have products with 30% market share. It's all or nothing. Email works because we have open standards that let you communicate across any email client.

With Windows 8, Microsoft is trying to gain market share in what has been dominated by the iPad-type device. But a lot of those users are frustrated. They can't type. They can't create documents.

Record companies worrying more about market share than developing artists - I hear there was a time when if your first record didn't sell 8m copies, you were still given a chance to grow as a songwriter.

It's not about market share. If you have a successful company, you will get your market share. But to get a successful company, what do you have to have? The same metrics of success that your customer does.

It is well documented that brands that increase advertising during a recession, when competitors are cutting back, can improve market share and return on investment at lower cost than during good economic times.

Our priority has always been to have the lowest cost so we can be comfortable with weak freight rates. A big part of having the lowest cost is maintaining the largest network, and this means growing market share.

We will not support returning Fannie and Freddie to the role they played before conservatorship, where they fought to take market share from private competitors while enjoying the privilege of government support.

Bebo has an opportunity to prove its products and services. Bebo plays in a very competitive space; it has big market share in specific countries. An AIM profile vs. a Bebo profile are very different experiences.

I credit Google for having the foresight to identify threats to its main business of selling advertising against search results. The potential loss of market share in the mobile space led them to the Android acquisition.

Business is war. I go out there, I want to kill the competitors. I want to make their lives miserable. I want to steal their market share. I want them to fear me and I want everyone on my team thinking we're going to win.

Understand what you are acquiring and protect it at all costs. You are acquiring people and next-generation products. You are making an investment that together you can grow faster, make more profits, and take more market share.

It might take some here and there, but Apple's market share in the global computer business has really shrunk pretty far, and where they've been making success recently is not in the computer business but in the iPod music business.

I know only a few ways to take market share and drive new revenue. I can engineer better products and services, I can build better relationships with my customers and deliver a higher level of service, or I can give my customers a lower price.

Strauss Group continues to strengthen its future growth engines, improve the company's competitive position, and increase market share, while continuing streamlining processes, improvements, and carrying out organizational adjustments in the company.

With DNS, it's possible to control key components of Internet navigation. Google already controls search, they are quickly gaining market share to control the browser, and when you put in DNS, it becomes the trifecta of complete navigational control.

Well, you would have to say what is the criteria to determine the success of any merger? It would have to be that the companies are stronger financially, that they took market share, and they are on a very steady footing in terms of their performance.

There are a significant number of people who appreciate what we do, and most of them gravitate to Analog because this is where they can find it. The other magazines tend to share their audiences, which may result in each of them having a smaller market share.

Starting in the 1970s, American cars started to lose market share to foreign cars. It was clear what was happening - these better-made foreign car companies were encroaching on the U.S., and the U.S. car makers had less than half of their own country's market.

I want my testimony to stand on that point. But I would point out that Zona Research Inc. showed we have increased market share among business users, educational users, and government users over the past several months - and that's more recent than the IDC report.

The average credit score of today's FHA borrowers is higher than the average American household with a score. As it becomes more costly and difficult to get a FHA loan, loans from private mortgage lenders will become more attractive and their market share will grow.

Japanese tend to put sales and market share first. They make many products with the aim of raising sales. But then profits decline, and companies find themselves falling into debt... I changed the mindset at Canon by getting people to realize that profits come first.

There are about 300,000 neighborhoods in the United States, and more than half of them have at least one millionaire living there. Most millionaires drive American cars. Out of the top 30 or 40 makes and models, Ford is number one, with about 10 percent of the market share.

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