The people of Egypt are an intelligent people with a glorious history who left their mark on civilization.

Aside from dancing, the biggest and proudest moment of my whole entire life was when my son Mark was born.

One billion people in 175 countries will mark Earth Day. That puts tea parties in perspective, doesn't it?

Jackie had a keen eye for talent, and like an elephant never forgot. And, he was always right on the mark.

The mark of the developed intellect is that it could accommodate two contradictory ideas at the same time.

The first campaign that I recall was with Kate Moss and Marky Mark. Probably the most iconic jeans ad ever.

In a high-IQ job pool, soft skills like discipline, drive and empathy mark those who emerge as outstanding.

We're a big check mark on everybody's schedule. I told them it's just another challenge, let's go after it.

Pleasures flit by - they are only for yourself; work leaves a mark of long-lasting joy, work is for others.

To mark all that I say in conversation, merely to beget in others, a good opinion of myself, and examine it.

I wanted to leave a mark on the world. Doesnt matter how big. I just wanted to make a mark in peoples lives.

The most characteristic mark of a great mind is to choose some one important object, and pursue it for life.

If you get into the main draw of a Grand Slam, then you've made your mark and proved that's where you belong.

Clumsiness attempts to fix simplicity straight in the eye. It is not a mark of incompetence but of reticence.

The mark of a truly civilized man is confidence in the strength and security derived from the inquiring mind.

Having reached the halfway mark in the alphabet, my prime focus is on writing each new book as well as I can.

I don't have the feeling that as a very young person I read books that absolutely made their mark on my mind.

Setting clear goals and finding measures that will mark progress toward them can improve the human condition.

It took me about 12 years to reach my million-word mark. The challenge now is to continue to challenge myself.

Anyone that has character leaves a mark on another. Would you like to leave the world without making a ripple?

The mark of a great player is in his ability to come back. The great champions have all come back from defeat.

As I say, you get labelled. To stop all that, I've got to win things - that's the only way you make your mark.

Anonymity is not necessarily something to shun; we don't have to achieve celebrity to make a mark on the world.

I didn't want to be greedy. It's a mark of bad character and I always believed that pigs go the slaughterhouse.

The worst food you'll ever eat will probably be prepared by a 'cook' who calls himself a 'chef.' Mark my words.

That's the mark of a really great actor, when he can make you feel the emotion without having to search for it.

One of the marks of an educated man today is to know what not to read--what not to see or what not to listen to.

Mark Zuckerberg talks about telepathy, and Elon Musk has invested in trying to create a brain-machine interface.

When folks decide they love any institution more than the individual souls inside them, they're missing the mark.

I don't deal well with being told what to wear and sit on a mark. It just feels like my soul is being ripped out.

Am I the only person in the world who is shocked and amazed at the ongoing flattery of uebergeek Mark Zuckerberg?

The mark of a mature programmer is willingness to throw out code you spent time on when you realize it's pointless

Getting that audience approval is always a question mark, and it's always that flag that flutters in front of you.

What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce. Mark Twain Women are an alien race set down among us.

The mark of a mature programmer is willingness to throw out code you spent time on when you realize it's pointless.

Her name is Wanda, not it. You will not touch her. Any mark you leave on her, I will double on your worthless hide.

I left my mark on 'Dark Shadows.' One day I was doing my lines perfectly from Act 3. Everyone else was doing Act 2.

Mark Twain's Roughing It is a book that many people don't know about, but I highly recommend to anybody at any age.

Mark O'Toole from the FAI has looked after me well back in England to the point that I consider him a father figure.

Think about the market, think about the design, and think about who is going to design for that market. Hit the mark.

This was the mark of an uncommon soldier, someone whose courage away from the battlefield was the same as that on it.

The mark of a writer is to make a story as likely as possible, and I've done my best to deliver authentic atmosphere.

I always wanted to be one of the best, make a mark on the history of the game. For me, for my country, for my family.

Mark Twain had it backwards. Nowadays everybody is doing something about the weather, but nobody is talking about it.

The gift of language is the single human trait that marks us all genetically, setting us apart from the rest of life.

On my income tax 1040 it says 'Check this box if you are blind.' I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away.

Abstention from labor is the conventional evidence of wealth and is therefore the conventional mark of social standing.

In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.

Germany's problem, in part, is that it went into the euro at the wrong exchange rate that overvalued the deutsche mark.

Mark this well, you proud men of action! you are, after all, nothing but unconscious instruments of the men of thought.

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