I am fed up with a system which busts the pot smoker and lets the big dope racketeer go free.

If marijuana kills all my brain cells, then how come I can still hear them all talking to me?

Marijuana is taken by musicians. And I'm not speaking about good musicians, but the jazz type.

A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.

People always come up to me and say that my smoking is bothering them....well it's killing me!

If you really want to introduce corruption into legal marijuana, make it an all cash business.

If you substitute marijuana for tobacco and alcohol, you'll add eight to 24 years to your life.

Look, I have never made a secret of the fact that I have tried marijuana... About 50,000 times.

Marijuana. Boy, I thought that was just terrible. How could this great man do this to his life?

What I did was experiment with a little marijuana like a lot of other people and walked away...

The Department of Justice transcends party because we're building on the Weed and Seed program.

I think it will be pretty hard to deny the fact that prohibition of marijuana is on its way out.

Marijuana is a very dangerous drug. Some people smoke it just once and go directly into politics.

I smoked this joint and then it hit me. I thought, what you gotta do is play your own simply blues.

No one ever died from smoking marijuana, but millions of people have died by believing politicians.

Bill Clinton does not inhale marijuana, right? You bet. Like I chew on LSD but I don't swallow it.'

My whole persona is vodka bottles and marijuana The hope in Nana was rockin', inspired from my Mama

In Mallrats, you pretty much don't see him sell any weed, really. I don't consider him a big dealer.

I look at smoking as a crutch, and as an actor I would like strip away as many crutches as possible.

I wasn't driving down the wrong side of the street, smoking marijuana, waving my gun out the window.

A candle can bring light to a dungeon but it can also be used to light a deadly marijuana cigarette.

The War on Drugs has been an utter failure. We need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws.

Marijuana was a new phenomenon when we started. Now it's for everyone - doctors, lawyers, presidents.

It is better to not even try it than to endure the ramifications of either quitting smoking or dying.

I'm not going to be Bill Clinton and say I never inhaled. I did inhale. I liked tobacco a lot better.

Smoking calms me down. It's enjoyable. I don't want politicians deciding what is exciting in my life.

Don't do drugs because if you do drugs you'll go to prison, and drugs are really expensive in prison.

At first it was just a misdemeanor, but then you lost the "mis-de" and you just got meaner and meaner.

I have a reputation for giving unpopular answers at Democratic debates. I never used marijuana. Sorry!

A revolution only lasts fifteen years, a period which coincides with the effectiveness of a generation.

As for drugs - well, Gates was certainly not unusual there. Marijuana was the pharmaceutical of choice.

We have noted the appeal of Honorable Ambrosini about the decriminalizing of marijuana for medical use.

Just hit the blunt one time and see if it don't change your perception on whats important in your life.

Instead of taking five or six of the prescriptions, I decided to go a natural route and smoke marijuana.

Everywhere I go, people hear Ricky Williams and the next thing they think is marijuana or wasted talent.

I don't know how it started but someone must have noticed I was always chewing tobacco or smoking a pipe.

CNN anchor Gwen Scott claimed it is common knowledge that Turner sits in his office and smokes marijuana.

Marijuana? It's harmless really, unless you fashion it into a club and beat somebody over the head with it

The only dead bodies from marijuana are in the prisons and at the hands of the police. This is ridiculous.

Marijuana is to rock and roll what beer is to baseball, so imagine if they took away beer at the ballgame.

"As Colorado attempts to build its brand as a healthy state, marijuana "dilutes what you're trying to do."

La cucaracha, la cucaracha, Ya no quieres caminar, Porque no tienes, Porque le falta, Marihuana que fumar.

I'm more proud of quitting smoking than of anything else I've done in my life, including winning an Oscar.

I attribute the quarrelsome nature of the Middle Ages young men entirely to the want of the soothing weed.

I think it's the snack food industry that's really pushing the marijuana legalization issue in California.

Marijuana prohibition is just the stupidest law possible....Jus t legalize it and tax it like we do liquor.

Our generation has had no Great Depression, no Great War. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives.

Brooklyn was the most wonderful city a man could play in, and the fans there were the most loyal there were.

I do not believe that the federal government should treat adults who choose to smoke marijuana as criminals.

Music and herb go together. It's been a long time now I smoke herb. From 1960's, when I first start singing.

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