Whenever I get a free day, I drive up to some part of California that looks promising on the map.

All religions, all indigenous traditions, all origin stories provide a large map of where you are.

I think that is what film and art and music do; they can work as a map of sorts for your feelings.

American 'Vogue' and the Versace campaign by Richard Avedon were huge for me. It put me on the map.

It's impossible to map out a route to your destination if you don't know where you're starting from.

I'm doing a Dylan Thomas film, Map of Love, with Mick Jagger producing again. It's a wonderful script.

There's no map for you to follow and take your journey. You are Lewis and Clark. You are the mapmaker.

'Cosmogramma' is basically the studies that map out the universe and the relations of heaven and hell.

I want Israel to have borders. For that, I need a map. I need a map on which our borders are specified.

I consciously did not want to put a sub-Mr. Bungle band on the map. I don't think the world needs that.

A place that doesn't welcome tourists, that's really difficult and off the map, is a place I want to see.

When I was applying to college, my mother told me I could apply to any school within the Boston subway map.

While President Putin is busy redrawing the map of Europe, President Obama is busy filling out his brackets.

Map out your future - but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip.

I travel without barely any luggage. Just a second set of underwear and binoculars and a map and a toothbrush.

A good financial plan is a road map that shows us exactly how the choices we make today will affect our future.

If all the ways I have been along were marked on a map and joined up with a line, it might represent a minotaur.

I went for a walk in the Arctic Circle without map or compass. Fortunately, I was only lost for hours, not days.

My idea is to make moves to bring chess back to the world's map, to make it part of the world's geography again.

I hope I've done women's darts proud, put women's darts on the map and given it the recognition that it deserves.

I can put tweets on a map to show who is saying what where, which could be used for marketing or social research.

For whole swaths of people, that map of, 'Come along this way, come to college, do this and that,' isn't offered.

The minute there's a map, there is no art. Paint by numbers is not art. Paint by numbers is a mechanical activity.

Our brain is mapping the world. Often that map is distorted, but it's a map with constant immediate sensory input.

There's no road map. There's no textbook on how grief works and when your heart will be open - or if it ever will.

I think if you were to look at my resume in total you would see a lot of things that are kind of all over the map.

With each book, in each place, I have to keep an ongoing map as I write because otherwise I don't know where I am.

I always say that Sheri Martell was that one thing that put Harlem Heat on the map, made us a legitimate tag team.

I just think that it's very helpful to have a map of your psyche, because when you have a map, you know where to go.

Whenever I do talks around the country, I map out my run. Gives me something fun to do and to look forward to doing.

For most of the nineteen-seventies, the official route map of the New York City subway system was a beautiful thing.

Remember, taboos are just a map of what a society feels it's acceptable to be neurotic about. Taboos aren't rational.

A guru is like a live road map. If you want to walk uncharted terrain, I think it is sensible to walk with a road map.

Younger hackers are hard to classify. They're probably just as diverse as the old hackers are. We're all over the map.

The first season of a show is kind of like an extended pilot. You're only really on the map if it goes a second season.

The Word of God is a treasure map. That treasure map is the most valuable thing you have until you get to that treasure.

'Fix' was a song that definitely put me on the map and changed everything for in me my career. I'm really thankful for it.

When I'm, like, 30, I want to go off the map, have a family and live in Malibu with a farm, and just raise my own chickens.

Fishing the small streams of New Hampshire is a pastime that combines hiking, map reading, and bushwhacking - plenty of it.

I've always had ambition, and the acting was successful and put my name on the map, but it was never the plan to stop there.

I think, in anyone's career, you have to map out some sort of strategy of steps that take you closer to the career you want.

Here's what I know about political campaigns: no matter what you map out at the beginning, it's always different at the end.

If people are telling you a story about themselves, they gradually map their own local territories and know themselves by them.

I'm not here to joke around or waste time. I want to put my city and country on the map, and I won't stop until I'm at the top.

You should not pay too much attention to what anyone tells you, including me. It's very, very important to follow your own map.

When the Beatles came to America and took me off the map, I thought I would return the favor, and I moved the family to England!

Iran is the only country in the world that's threatening to erase another country from the map as part of a collective genocide.

I feel like I'm a secondary artist, a kind of a conduit for the writer, and if it's a good writer, then I have a great road map.

I don't think 'Motherhood' is a map for women. I would never say that it's a template for every woman in response to her biology.

I'm in no hurry to get anywhere. I don't have any plans. I don't have a map. If you did in this business, you'd destroy yourself.

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