There must be something beyond slaughter and barbarism to support the existence of mankind and we must all help search for it.

The creation of Physics is the shared heritage of all mankind. East and West, North and South have equally participated in it.

Government, as it was forced upon mankind by their vices, so has it commonly been the creature of their ignorance and mistake.

I like to watch mankind in its futile attempt to understand the unknown, when they don't even understand that which they know.

Every year a thousand kilometers of motor-roads will be opened until the greatest work in the history of mankind is completed.

I believe in aliens. I think it would be way too selfish of us as mankind to believe we are the only lifeforms in the universe.

The notion that war forever separates veterans from the rest of mankind has been long embedded in our collective consciousness.

Mankind is considered (by the radical environmentalists) the lowest and the meanest of all species and is blamed for everything.

Ever since the world began, it has been the belief of mankind that desolate places are the special haunt of supernatural beings.

I truly hope that we can evolve with technology, and use it for the benefit of all mankind, but history might suggest otherwise.

Since the beginning of time mankind has used music and dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe…

Here is the basic question: Are we marionettes, or are we creatures of free will who just happen to have a lot of jerky reflexes?

I happen to think that American politics is one of the noblest arts of mankind; and I cannot do anything else but write about it.

They say: 'If a man knew himself, he would know all mankind.' I say: 'If a man loved mankind, he would know something of himself.

I hope I'm saving lives. There are very few people in their careers that have the opportunity to do something to benefit mankind.

The wants of mankind are supplied and satisfied out of the gross values produced and created, and not out of the net values only.

It is not just the Great Works of mankind that make a culture. It is the daily things, like what people eat and how they serve it.

The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors.

LOVE of others is the appreciation of one's self. MAY your egotism be so gigantic that you comprise mankind in your self-sympathy.

Either what we hold to be right and good and true IS right and good and true, for all mankind, or we're just another robber tribe.

The history of mankind is the history of our misunderstandings with god, for he doesn't understand us, and we don't understand him.

Anything you dream is fiction, and anything you accomplish is science, the whole history of mankind is nothing but science fiction.

"I love mankind," he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular."

I put for the general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death.

I am often surprised by the cleverness, and now and again by the stupidity, of my dog; and I have similar experiences with mankind.

The lust of avarice as so totally seized upon mankind that their wealth seems rather to possess them than they possess their wealth.

I don't practise any religion but I am deeply interested in the answers that mankind has come up with to explain the human situation.

I find it more than a little disingenuous to act as if keeping slaves was something that set Thomas Jefferson apart from all mankind.

Mankind is not likely to salvage civilization unless he can evolve a system of good and evil which is independent of heaven and hell.

Power is what spoils people. Yes, it seems to me that the seeking after power is the great danger and the great corruptor of mankind.

Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this.

Global climate change has a profound impact on the survival and development of mankind. It is a major challenge facing all countries.

Do not tell me you don’t know you’re pretty. If so, I’m about to lose all faith in mankind. You don’t want to be responsible for that.

As we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind.

I write to keep from going mad from the contradictions I find among mankind - and to work some of those contradictions out for myself.

Mankind's role is to fulfil his heaven-sent purpose through a sincere heart that is in harmony with all creation and loves all things.

The true nature of the gods is that of magical images shaped out of the astral plane by mankind's thought, and influenced by the mind.

But then, as far as I know, as far as I've studied or heard or picked up, it seems that this type of thing is a curse against mankind.

If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic, and emotionally stable third of mankind, all races would be present.

Statesman are suspected of plotting against mankind, rather than consulting their interests, and are esteemed more crafty than learned.

Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.

That idea of peace and love toward humanity shouldn't be nationalistic or denominational. It should be a chief concern for all mankind.

Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it.

I maintain, then, that we should make peace, not only with the Chians, the Rhodians, the Byzantines and the Coans, but with all mankind.

Above all we should not forget that government is an evil, a usurpation upon the private judgement and individual conscience of mankind.

The most desirable state of mankind is that which maintains general security with the smallest encroachment upon individual independence.

Surely the wake left behind by mankind's forward march reveals its movement just as clearly as the spray thrown up elsewhere by the prow.

A conservative vision to tech issues assumes the imperfection of mankind and a preference for markets - not politics - to drive outcomes.

Familiar things happen, and mankind does not bother about them. It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.

I conceive that the great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things.

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