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I admire directors so much, I find them incredible: they manage such a huge number of people of different characters, think of the money involved.
In Slack, you create channels to discuss different topics. For a small group of people, those channels are relatively easy to manage and navigate.
I manage my business; politicians are doing their business. I can only work within their rules and regulations. I can't pick up a political fight.
While the form of treachery varies slightly from case to case, liberals always manage to take the position that most undermines American security.
I try, when I go into places, not to belittle what's gone before, because I know how difficult it is to manage, and everybody does it differently.
Whores have the ability to put up with behaviors other women would never manage to put up with. That's why we deserve to be generously compensated.
I have been juggling so many roles. I am a mother, too. I have three sons to take care of. I don't even know how I manage to pull it off sometimes.
I demo all of my songs on Garage Band, where I pretty much play everything - not very well, but I manage to hammer out a drum beat and a bass idea.
Having managed in Holland, Spain, and Germany, I had always hoped for the opportunity to manage in English football and be part of English culture.
You make the right decision for the long run. You manage for the long run, and you continue to move to higher value. That's what I think my job is.
If you manage to stop the timber industry from cutting this forest, they'll cut that forest. If you stop oil drilling here, they'll go drill there.
When you have young children, it is hard to see live performances. Unless I am in it. I do manage to see my husband Rupert Goold's work, of course.
I don't compromise at all on how people lead and manage other people. I don't want to work in an environment where people are belittled and berated.
People in retail banks are not smart. They have a business model that's quite difficult to not make money out of - but still they somehow manage it.
If you want to express yourself, you need the services of a lover or a psychiatrist; if you want to express a book, you might conceivably manage it.
There are people, coaches, and players who fit in certain places. All players don't fit into all teams, and not every manager can manage every team.
I am constantly hustling and finding new things. You try to manage so you don't look back and see huge gaps of time that you missed with your family.
New leaders must also expect and manage setbacks. In post-revolutionary times, expectations are high, and the obstacles to meeting them are enormous.
I've tried a lot of different apps to manage Twitter on my phone (I use Hootsuite on my laptop), but I think the official Twitter app is really good.
How do the same evangelicals who incessantly force-feed us their morals and family values manage to overwhelmingly support someone like Donald Trump?
After the first ball is bowled, it's only chaos. What you are trying to do is you're trying to manage the chaos. It's not like a script that happens.
People ask me how I manage without a man in the same tone they might ask someone how they're doing with just one lung, but it's not like that at all.
Like all small-business owners, I know what it's like to take a risk on an idea, manage cash flow, navigate regulations and tax laws, and create jobs.
No surprise that, as companies have adopted social media en masse, demand for software and applications to manage and monitor social use has exploded.
I'm the type of manager who doesn't really like the word 'manage.' Nor do I really like the word 'boss.' I like to look at myself as more as a leader.
Writing a screenplay is daunting for sure, but I think that Hollywood needs them, so if you can manage to do that, there's certainly a value within it.
Political risk is hard to manage because so much comes down to the personal choices of policymakers, whether prime ministers or heads of central banks.
You don't manage more than 900 games, mostly in the top half of the Premier League, if you haven't got something that enables you to cope with pressure.
When you look at sports leagues today, they manage a lot of intellectual property, which means it takes you into a lot of different kinds of businesses.
Business cycles lengthened greatly during the 20th century, as central banks learned to manage national economies by raising and lowering interest rates.
Writing is fun - at least mostly. I write for four hours every day. After that I go running. As a rule, 10 kilometers (6.2 miles). That's easy to manage.
We are the first company anywhere in the hospitality sector to introduce technology-based solutions to the suppliers side to help them manage operations.
Allegri is very good at managing the locker room in the most difficult moments of a season, to make the team understand how to manage the time of a match.
Strapped by tight credit and plummeting sales, businesses have overhauled the way they manage supply chains, inventory, production practices and staffing.
When I say manage emotions, I only mean the really distressing, incapacitating emotions. Feeling emotions is what makes life rich. You need your passions.
You can't grow long-term if you can't eat short-term. Anybody can manage short. Anybody can manage long. Balancing those two things is what management is.
When Barack Obama was asked about his lack of executive experience in 2008, he pointed to his successful campaign as proof he could manage the presidency.
I have seen the president and Secretary Tillerson work together. They work very well together. They talk through things. And then they manage it properly.
Water security is not just for domestic policies. International co-operation is crucial to sustainably manage trans-boundary water bodies and river basins.
I thought that the chief thing to be done in order to equal boys was to be learned and courageous. So I decided to study Greek and learn to manage a horse.
I put a lot of time and energy into studying the art of filmmaking, but I hadn't put a lot of energy or time into the art of learning how to manage people.
I am fascinated by that person who is trying to live authentically, but they are on the outside of society, so how do they manage in the world around them?
I could manage my life so much better if an app could tell me exactly when my parcels will be delivered so I don't spend the day under virtual house arrest.
Without a gut-level sense that you are ultimately in control of what's happening to you, you won't even consider the option that you could manage it better.
I'd love to work in Argentina but there aren't any possibilities to manage there. The managers always remain the same. They just swap clubs once in a while.
There's always going to be a tradeoff between trolling and anonymity, and I guess that's the way life will be. And you can manage it, but you can't cure it.
I am happy to be on board of Baseline Ventures. They manage some of the top talents of the country, and I look forward to a great partnership with Baseline.
Medicaid is essentially bankrupt, Medicare is essentially bankrupt, why the heck would we give the federal government another entitlement program to manage?
It's easier to coach a technical founder how to be CEO and manage a business than it is to teach a professional CEO the nuances of that particular business.
You cannot build a company or manage a life by chasing others; you have to find your success competing against yourself. There will always be a bigger fish.