I never say what I mean, but I always manage to say something similar.

Must manage your thought life daily and then you can manage your life.

It's not difficult to manage Tevez. We had a good relationship always.

We teach about how to drive in school, but not how to manage finances.

All I'm trying to do is manage money and take care of my shareholders.

I seldom ever missed a Gary Cooper picture if I could manage to see it.

It is possible and very common to overcome and manage a mental illness.

I have enough problems trying to manage a team, without managing the FA.

I definitely want to manage. I just don't think it's the time right now.

I like to buy a company any fool can manage because eventually one will.

Isn't it fascinating that Nazis always manage to adopt the word freedom?

One thing the music industry has taught me is to manage my expectations.

Why do I manage myself? I don't trust anyone else to do it, to be honest.

With my responsibilities comes having to manage my time more efficiently.

I've wanted to manage a long time and I've been moving in that direction.

I can say that out of 365 days, I manage to do yoga on at least 300 days.

Nobody ever asks a father how he manages to combine marriage and a career.

When I was 22 I didn't know how to manage my career or assimilate success.

Your vision will be clearer only when you manage to see within your heart.

I'm careful about keeping myself fit and thin, or as thin as I can manage.

I think Stevie Wonder could sing the phone book and manage to make me cry.

Some programming languages manage to absorb change, but withstand progress.

I do theater as much as possible, but it's very difficult to manage for me.

Every country has the right to manage who comes in and out of those borders.

I don't get nearly enough credit in life for the things I manage not to say.

The philosophy to 'buy and hold' is a philosophy that I use to manage funds.

I love pressure; to manage such a big club as Manchester United is very good.

I'm an only child, and I can take all the attention you manage to pile on me.

I like to be happy when I'm writing. If not, then how will the reader manage?

I've always said manage in good times so that you're ready for the bad times.

Too many managers manage by what the postgame press conference is going to be.

the hope that there she would manage to regain her happiness made her fearless

I was voted least likely to manage a business when I was at Dickinson College.

We must define quality as conformance to specifications if we are to manage it.

I honestly wondered how on earth I would manage to combine work and motherhood.

Vanity can create a very cruel space for you if you don't know how to manage it.

For the poor, learning to manage money well is central to improving their lives.

To manage another country? No, I wouldn't. That's not something I would consider.

To manage is to decide the team, the substitutions, and everything until the end.

I can manage to get into any outfit, whether Indian or Western, and carry it off.

I know we both have very unusual jobs, but we manage just like any other parents.

You've got to be able to manage change. You've got to be able to learn new tasks.

As an industry, we have a responsibility to manage risk in a way that is prudent.

I'd like to manage someone, a young talent that maybe doesn't have the mic skills.

Pudding is my favourite part of any meal and I always have one if I can manage it.

When I manage to keep my center, it's usually because I've taken prayer seriously.

And a musician has to learn to be frugal and to carefully manage financial affairs.

When you have too many stars, you have too many egos to manage, and it's difficult.

The simple, sweet films without the star power often manage to tell a better story.

Think what a revolution it will be if we manage to get everyone to pay their taxes.

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