A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational.

A man with money is no match against a man on a mission.

Any man is liable to err, only a fool persists in error.

A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman.

A young man without ambition is an old man waiting to be.

A man sees what he wants to see, And disregards the rest.

An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support.

I keep waiting to meet a man who has more balls than I do.

I never expect to see a perfect work from an imperfect man.

Young man, young man, your arm's too short to box with God.

Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little.

God made man in his own image, and man returned the favour.

Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.

You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.

Life moves so fast. You gotta document the good times, man.

The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny.

The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.

A little flattery will support a man through great fatigue.

Man cannot live by bread alone; he must have peanut butter.

It takes a mighty good man to be better than no man at all.

I would rather trust a woman's instinct than a man's reason.

Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old.

A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.

Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor.

Man is not the lord of beings. Man is the shepherd of Being.

A critic is a man who knows the way but can't drive the car.

A man who has never made a woman angry is a failure in life.

What a cage is to the wild beast, law is to the selfish man.

That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

A diplomat is a man who thinks twice before he says nothing.

A great man's greatest good luck is to die at the right time.

A college education shows a man how little other people know.

Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.

The man who has no inner-life is a slave to his surroundings.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.

Glory to Man in the highest! For Man is the master of things.

Nothing gives a fearful man more courage than another's fear.

What is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many?

When a man is wrong and won't admit it, he always gets angry.

An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike.

For the black man there is only one destiny. And it is white.

Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit.

Cursed is the man who dies, but the evil done by him survives.

I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Being a 'good man' is something you do, not something you are.

Any man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man.

Every man should pull a boat over a mountain once in his life.

A man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth.

A man who has made no enemies is probably not a very good man.

There is nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man.

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