What is your major malfunction?

The greatest malfunction of spirit is to believe things.

I feel like every day of my life is a funny wardrobe malfunction!

I set out to be a cross between Lenny Bruce and Robert the Bruce.

The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it.

There would be no Star Trek unless there were transporter malfunctions.

There's no such thing as a wardrobe malfunction - only a wardrobe opportunity.

If you improve or tinker with something long enough, eventually it will break or malfunction.

Just keep it simple. When you over-think what you're wearing, that's when wardrobe malfunctions tend to happen.

There will be no wardrobe malfunction with me. I can promise you that.... I have nothing I will be exposing or taking off.

Idiots emit bogons, causing machinery to malfunction in their presence. System administrators absorb bogons, letting machinery work again.

Lingerie is one of the most important pieces of your wardrobe. You can have a wardrobe malfunction if you don't choose the right thing to wear underneath!

I set out to be a cross between Lenny Bruce and Robert the Bruce - my main thrust was the body and its functions and malfunctions - the absurdity of the thing.

Some computers have security software that make it impossible to hack into, and it's the same with brains - some malfunction, and some, you can't hack into them at all.

My father was an alcoholic. I come from a family of them, so it's genetic luck or malfunction that I've ended up with no enzyme that processes it. I literally can't drink.

When I turned 17, I had a bike malfunction at a race, and in my head, I went, 'You know what? I'm done. I'm going to go play drums.' I still ride my bikes for fun, but that was the turning point.

I hope I'm always appropriate on 'JR' if it's a serious case. But if you have a case of a man who has a wardrobe malfunction with a lime green mankini, even I on the odd occasion find it mildly amusing.

I have a computer screen near my seat where I monitor the overall health of the vehicle and pick up any problems that might be occurring early on or once we see any kind of a malfunction or anything unusual that's happening, we can look at the data and figure out what that is.

A new laboratory technique, positron emission tomography, uses radioactively labeled oxygen or glucose that essentially lights up specific and different areas of the brain being activated when a person speaks words or sees words or hears words, revealing the organic location for areas of behavioral malfunction.

I was living in a small town in Indiana working as a telemarketer and a vacuum salesman. I was really bad: the vacuums seemed to always be falling apart. Every time I did a demonstration, I'd say, 'This is the material the astronauts used on Apollo 13.' And no sooner had that come out of my mouth, something would malfunction.

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